My Daily Prompt Blog

Where I do my Daily Prompts

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Writing 101: Day 2 Where would I go today?



Sometimes we read things on others Facebook posts that were not necessarily meant for us but the point is taken anyways.
Today was one of those days as I glanced upon my wall and saw a post about Motherless by Choice.  It hit a nerve with me and hurt.

If I could be anywhere today just for a fleeting moment in time it would be to sit next to both of my daughters just for a few minutes of their busy lives.
To be able to give them a hug, a big kiss and tell them that I truly do love them.  How proud I am of them and their success in life.

I know that there are scars in the past life and that they hold them tight.  My heart aches over this and you can’t go back and erase time or get a redo.

Life is a learning curve.  We learn from our mistakes.  We get stronger as we get older and we learn what not to do again.

I have asked forgiveness and was not allowed to have it.  From that one must go one with life.  It does not help the pain.

As I sit here and shed tears it does no good.  I realize this.  Only a head ache will occur.

Just a few minutes to hug my grand children would feel so good.  I am not getting any younger and I know that my health is not getting any better either.
These past few years have really taken a toll on me and as I reflect back it is useless to comprehend on what could have been different.  It can’t change now.

Little do they know that my heart is always with them and that my thoughts follow them through their journey of life.  Even if it is only on Facebook or an occasional text.

Perhaps some day things will be different.  I pray every night that God will soften the pain for all three of us.



Daily Prompt: Out Of Place In This Land Of Confusion

Daily Prompt: Land of Confusion

Tell us about a time when you felt out of place.

Photographers, artists, poets: show us CONFUSION.

Prayers to all of the people who were hit by the Tornados this weekend

You never know how precious life is until devistation hits.
The whirlwind of confusion of how to help or what to do.

Be safe, Be prepared and hug those around you.
Today they may aggrivate you and tomorrow they may be gone.

Love one another and try to help where you can.

Tammye Honey


Daily Prompt: No Rolling Stone Here

Daily Prompt: Rolling Stone

If you could live a nomadic life, would you?
Where would you go? How would you decide?
What would life be like without a “home base”?

Photographers, artists, poets: show us TRAVEL.

We happen to know several couples who own an RV (Recreational Vehicle) and travel back and forth from each of their childrens homes across the United States.
To constantly be in a trailer, mobile home or what ever you want to call it is not what lifestyle I would ever want.
Granted, they have no mortgage (unless they owe on the RV) and only have to pay for car gasoline.
They do not have to pay property taxes, just for the license of the RV.

I think that it takes a certain type of person, one who loves camping to live like this.
To always be on the road and traveling.  To stop at various cities and not know anyone.
It is a special type of person who really enjoys this lifestyle and would not buy a home again.
Sometimes it is all about the ability to keep up the home.  (Although, you have to maintain an RV also).

I prefer to be able to walk into my own back yard and take my doggies (and kitties) for a walk.
When I walk them it is all four of them.  The cats do their duty at the same times as the dogs.
The dogs love being able to play in the neighbors hayfield and the neighbor does not mind either.
He says it looks like our dogs are patrolling their property and they feel safer because of it.

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I like having roots here and a place where my children could come to visit if they wanted to for a vacation.

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I love the weather in Tennessee, especially in the Winter.
While locals think we are having terrible weather or temperatures,  I am enjoying not having snow to my waist.

Here are what some other Daily Prompt Writers had to say:

(To see the full list check out

  1. My Life is a Rolling Stone (with no commitments): Daily Prompt | Texan in Tokyo
  2. Dogwalking, Bright light, Harsh shadows |
  3. Daily Prompt: Rolling Stone | Under the Monkey Tree
  4. Oh, Him And Her And Them? They’re Just My Home… | All Those Small Things
  5. Lost in the Thought of Africa | Daily Prompt: Rolling Stone | likereadingontrains
  6. Daily Prompt: Rolling Stone « Mama Bear Musings
  7. Nomadic life: the importance of a base | Melanie Ryding – Ryding2Health BLOG
  8. Daily Prompt – Rolling Stone | Kate Murray
  9. I’ll go with you | clarior e tenebris
  10. Daily Prompt: Rolling Stone ~ #photography | ThisCornerOfTheWoods
  11. Papa was a Rolling Stone… | The Rider
  12. Adventures in Paradise | The Jittery Goat
  13. Semi-permanence and the expat | A Girl and Her Travels
  14. Daily Prompt: Travel « Vicariously Poetic
  15. Let’s go | Spunky Wayfarer
  16. Daily Prompt: Ramblin’ Rose | One Starving Activist
  17. Daily Prompt Writing: The Nomadic Life | Lifeinpawprints’s Weblog
  18. Catherine B.’s Blog | The Nomad | Daily Prompt: Rolling Stone
  19. A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss | A Day in the Life
  20. Totally Normal! | Daily Prompt | Alaskan Wilderness
  21. Daily Prompt: Rolling Stone | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss
 Thank you for reading and your comments.
Perhaps I could have gotten into the imaginary world if I had my coffee first lol.
On to grab a fresh cup of coffee while you enjoy your reading.

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Daily Prompt: Looking In The Mirror

Daily Prompt: Mirror, Mirror

Finish this sentence: “When I look in the mirror, I . . . “

Photographers, artists, poets: show us MIRRORED.

Think of the Dove commercial that was produced recently.  

Since viewing that commercial, I see a totally different person than what I used to.

Here are what a few other Daily Prompt Writers had to say:

(To check them all out go here

  1. Daily Writing Prompt|When I look in the mirror, I… | My OCD Diaries
  2. Dear Me, I See You | tuckedintoacorner
  3. Mirror, Mirror | The Silver Lining of the Optimistic Pessimist
  4. Daily prompt: mirror me | Empressnasigoreng’s Blog
  5. Mirror, Mirror On The Wall… | Script Under Construction
  6. Making a Spectacle of Myself | rarasaur
  7. Daily Prompt: Mirrored | sukies original
  8. Reflections | 2 times pink

There were 100 other writers so be sure to check them out.

What do you see in the mirror?

Thank you for reading and for your comments.

Tammye Honey


Daily Prompt: Bedtime Stories

Daily Prompt: Bedtime Stories

What was your favorite book as a child? Did it influence the person you are now?

Nancy Drew Mysteries are the first series of books that I read as a child and loved.


 I was not fortunate as a young child to have someone to read to me books at night before I went to sleep.

I did read to my daughters as they were growing up.  Primarily due to the fact that it was something that I felt was important in their lives.

Although this prompt is supposed to be about bedtime stories, I am taking a flip on it.  After my daughters baths were finished at night and they were read their stories and tucked into bed I would receive a knock at the door just like clockwork.  It would be my father in-law.  The two girls would be standing at the top of the stairs, coats on with their feety jammies and ready, something that took forever any other time.  I would laugh, trying to look stern and say, “Not too much sweets, they just brushed their teeth”.  It was a regular routine that we had.

He would bring them home after taking them for a ride to a local store to get a small ice cream and bring them back.  He took them upstairs, brushed their teeth, and tucked them back into bed.  That was his time with them.  It was special to him.

When my oldest had been a baby she had been very cranky and we first lived in a tiny apartment where the walls were very thin while our other apartment was being remodeled for us to move into.  The neighbors were very cranky also and would bang on the walls and yell each time she even whimpered.  Her wake up time was between 2 AM to 4 AM every day where nothing made her happy.

My father in-law would meet me every morning at the door, regardless of what the weather and take her for a ride as this child never slept.  She was up constantly.  That was my sleep time.  As he would place her into the car, she would go right to sleep.  If anyone else tried to do that same thing she would scream.  The bond began.

My father in-law passed away last night.  The bond between my children and him was a strong one.  They loved their grandmother who passed away a few years ago also.  She was very close to them also, but not as close as grandpa.  Their time with him was incredible.

The times he spent with them was priceless and so incredible of an influence in their lives.  Something that they could never have received from a book.

For all of the nights that he stopped by and said can I take them, I am so glad that I said yes now…

As I sit here wiping back the tears from my eyes to write this, I am sad at the loss both for my children and society.  I am happy to have known him.  He was like a father to me.  He was unique in his own way.  He showed love in different forms to different people.

I am sad that I will not be at the funeral in Herkimer, New York.  Yet I sit here and cry at his passing as if I were there.  I am glad that you passed on peacefully.  I am glad that you are now with Betty B, happy once again.  The memories that you left behind, although we are sad now, we can laugh and enjoy your legacy.

Here are what some other Daily Prompt Writers had to say:

  1. Nothing to Display.. | ayimas
  2. Independence | Conversations
  3. A Book Grows on Me | Never Stationary
  4. Bedtime Stories | thelissachronicles
  5. Ilya Fostiy. A Village | Philosophy & Photography
  6. Louder than Allowed | Daily Prompt: Bedtime Stories | likereadingontrains
  7. Daily Prompt: Bedtime Stories | Basically Beyond Basic
  8. I Didn’t Like To Read Until… | The Jittery Goat
  9. Back On The Train: Reflections on Hey! Get Off Our Train! | Eyes Through The Glass – A Blog About Asperger’s
  10. Bedtime Stories | Not Quite Classic… | Death By Any Other Name
  11. There are things, but no book | Phelio a Random Post a Day
  12. A Book That Changed My Life | das Nicht-zuhause-sein
  13. We Actually Read this Dreck? « Sorta-Ginger
  14. Daily Prompt: Hands Down, Books Up | One Starving Activist
  15. Daily Prompt: Bedtime Stories | Daddy’s Naughty Little Girl
  16. Daily Prompt: Bedtime Stories « Mama Bear Musings
  17. Little Women and Many-hued Fairies | The Daily Dilly Dally
  18. Daily Post: Miss Twigley’s Tree | midlifemusingsblog
  19. Book at bedtime (Daily Prompt) | Prompt Queen
  20. Favorite? | thematticuskingdom
  21. OH the Places You’ll Go | Charming South
  22. De Kameleon | Angel Frouk
  23. A sleepy dog and bedtime stories | 祝福
  24. | Life, Captioned

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Daily Prompt: Back to the Future Letter to Grandchildren

Daily Prompt: Back to the Future

by michelle w. on March 1, 2013

 A service has been invented through which you can send messages to people in the future. To whom would you send something, and what would you write?

Thanks for the great idea, William

I would write a letter to my hubby’s grandchildren and to my own explaining why we do not see them as much as we would like.  Explaining that the economy in our time made it difficult to just hop in a car and travel like when I had been young.  In my note I would explain that health issues as you grow older prevent you from doing what you once did at a younger age.

I would tell them that I had said a prayer for their future that their lives would be full of happiness and prosperity.  That they might find their dreams to come true and to always look to the future for answers that are unknown in their time.  If only our note in a bottle could be read in their future… How proud we are of them and that we always loved them.

Here are what some other Daily Prompt Writers had to say on the matter:

  1. Ilya Fostiy. The Word | Philosophy & Photography
  2. Is this like the Lake House? | Q the Adult
  3. Daily Prompt: Back to the Future | cognitive reflection
  4. To My Future Babies. «Natalie Elizabeth Beech Natalie Elizabeth Beech
  5. Dear Future-Me | Ramisa the Authoress
  6. The Things Better Left Said | Death By Any Other Name
  7. Daily Prompt: Future Letter to My Grandkids | midlifemusingsblog
  8. A Letter To My Sister on Her First Day Of High School | Never Stationary
  9. You’re one in a gazillion, baby! | Random Encounters of an Inquisitive Mind
  10. We live in the future | Spunky Wayfarer
  11. Launching A New Twitter Feature; Back To The Future Tweetin‘! | The Jittery Goat
  12. Daily Prompt: Back to the Future – To My Kids | salman’s blog
  13. Message to the future | The Nameless One
  14. DP: Back to the Future | A Blog’s Life
  15. Urgent Message to the Future | thematticuskingdom
  16. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today | Kansa Muse on Micro Farming and More
  17. Dear me… | The Daily Dilly Dally
  18. Daily Prompt: Back to the Future | Nadia Lives
  19. Daily Prompt: Back to the Future | Daddy’s Naughty Little Girl
  20. Daily Prompt: Back to the Future | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss
  21. Daily Prompt: Back to the Future 1st March 2013 | ittikorn1994

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Dora Was Rescued from Starvation Now she’s spending her first holiday at home.

Thank You ASPCA for this Reminder

Dora’s First Holiday at Home

Dora Was Rescued from Starvation

Now she’s spending her first holiday at home.

On a chilly day last holiday season, the ASPCA rescued Dora, a starving, matted little Shih Tzu with a severely injured tail. When she arrived at the ASPCA, she was weak, terrified and emaciated. But before long, under our care Dora began to gain weight and strength. She started to gain confidence, too, and as 2012 began, Dora’s spirited personality started to shine through.

That’s when world-renowned designer and architect Robert Couturier learned about Dora. A steadfast ASPCA supporter with three Shih Tzus of his own, he was deeply moved by her story. Within a week, he became her new foster parent.

“She slept in my arms the whole time on the way home,” Robert remembers. “It was as if she could finally sleep, and that she knew nothing bad was ever going to happen to her anymore.”

At his Connecticut country house, Robert introduced Dora to his boyfriend, Jeffrey, who fell in love with her immediately. Then he gave Dora a toy. She took it to her crate and looked at him with wide, cautious eyes, as if to ask: Is it OK for me to keep something of my very own?

“Of course it’s OK,” Robert told her, his heart breaking a little. He scooped her up and carried her with him all evening, just as he does now whenever they are together.

These days, Dora sleeps between her guardians’ pillows and enjoys playing with her favorite canine sibling: five-year-old Hercule, who fell head over heels for her the first day they met. “He’s her knight,” Robert jokes.

In October, Robert and Jeffrey adopted Dora. That makes it official: For the first time in her young life, Dora is home for the holidays.

It’s a beautiful thing to consider: Thanks to your compassion for pets like Dora, thousands are enjoying their first holiday season with a loving family.

Dora: After

People are not the only ones who need someone for the Holidays

Adopt a pet from a shelter before you think about going to a pet store and getting a puppy… save a life…

Tammye Honey

via (7072 unread) – tammye42 – Yahoo! Mail.

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C4C is A Great Christmas Spirit


Why not Volunteer and Show that YOU care…


Thought this was a great idea for Christmas…our Community has started a tree in the local grocery stores to purchase an angel so that a family eats for Christmas…

Company for Christmas -

Why not Volunteer and help this season

Thank You and please checkout the original sites

Happy Holidays

Tammye Honey


Wind Storm in Oakwood Tennessee

Our little neighborhood got hit hard today with the storm.  When it was over we took a little ride with our famous cameras and captured it on video to share on YouTube of course.  We have permission from our neighborhood since our last video.

Hoping it shares here so you do not have to click on it…

Live electrical wires across the road in two places

200 year old tree is up rooted from ground

Utility pole knocked to ground with live wires

Huge tree burned from inside out

Huge holes ripped in our new gazebo

Everything turned upside down

Stay safe this storm came up out of nowhere and lasted 5 minutes…

Tammye Honey


Bucket List

A Very Popular Blog I have found seems to be the Bucket List….

I have noticed, however just by the contents of the list that they are made by young moms or soon to be moms…

I thought that I would give an older rendition of the bucket list which is not in any way making light of their lists at all it is simply a list of how things change when you get older and how things suddenly take on a new light and one of the delights is when you wake up in the morning and you have not “kicked the bucket” during  the course of the night lol…

That is a really big plus when you get older… Trust me on that one lol…

On to the list…

First is going out to purchase your bucket and remembering to put it on your grocery list… then remembering to take the grocery list off of the refrigerator with the coupons that you have clipped to it…

Now by this age, you have seen a great many of these buckets and have purchased so many and have actually left a ton accidentally behind also… Even done a few with the grand children lol…

Every time I move into a new home it seems like I purchase one of these and build a stone wishing well to go with it from area stone… I am not sure what I am wishing for or why I do it.  I guess it is just Tradition and we can’t be breaking a tradition now can we…lol

This has been on my shopping list for the longest time…I actually used a pitcher filled with ice to chill a bottle of wine for a house guest the last time she came over… We do not drink.  I have a collection of wines because my daughter sends me wine for Christmas every year faithfully.

Someday I will find that perfect Ice Bucket I am certain… till then, the pitcher does work…

Now except for the fact that I have to pop allergy pills to eat this, it is a great idea for a bucket if you do not feel like cooking…lol… does not make many bucket lists though lol…

Now for the useless bucket award …

It is pretty in its own way, but what on earth would you really use it for?  Let’s be honest here… a true dust collector for those who have a real problem with chronic shopping…

Then there is the retired man’s bucket… ideal for what ever a retired man really does…

Oh yeah just wheel it with your foot…

I can’t forget hubby’s bucket hat as now that he is not carrying the same hair load that he used to, the sunburn on the top of the head can be painful and dangerous…

He does own several so they can be washed frequently to rid them of the perspiration scent that they do attract lol…

Now even I am too young to remember the Bucket 10 car…although men who retire now collect them…thankfully, not mine…

I would not want to have to pay the insurance premium on it and love the pick up truck to be honest with you…lol

Have to admit my hubby did not quite retire to become a bucket head per say…lol…

He has been known to strum a guitar on occasion, and has worn a Tupperware Canister for a video before… lol… I don’t think that is quite the same though…

Well even though we both own a Fendor Guitar, neither are a T bucket…

But then this is also a T Bucket and we do not have this either lol…

Imagine that lol…

There are some things in life that are really cute, however I am glad that I do not own…

This is one of them…cute to look at dangerous to play with…

So that is my rendition of my bucket list…and I finished it before I kicked the bucket too….woo hoo….

Sometimes you just have to look at the lighter side of life…

Have a great day and always keep your bucket half full…never know when you might need to put out a fire lol…

Tammye Honey