My Daily Prompt Blog

Where I do my Daily Prompts


Daily Prompt: Giving Thanks For What I Have

Daily Prompt: Keeping up with the Jones’

Tell us about the one luxury item you wish you could afford, in as much detail as you can.
Paint a picture for us.

Photographers, artists, poets: show us COVET.



I am really happy with what we have.
I can not think of anything that I would covet that someone else has.
We are semi healthy for our age.
We have two healthy dogs and a cat.
We are happily married now for almost 5 years.

We own our home (Have a mortgage but who doesn’t these days?)
We live in the country but are not far from the city.
We live in a wonderful neighborhood

We have a lot of comfort features in life.
(Dishwasher, Microwave, Washer, Dryer, Big Screen TV, Internet, Computers, WiFi, etc)
We work our businesses from our home and in our jammies most of the time.
We are blessed with healthy children and many grandchildren.
We have several wonderful kind friends.
We have heat, running water and food in fridge and freezer as well as the pantry.
We have clothes in our closet.

What would we want that we could add to that?  More Money?
Perhaps that would be nice.  Then we could pay off our Mortgage early.
The payments are made each month so we are happy.

I ask my readers, what would you want that you do not have?

Enlighten me please with a comment…

Be careful what you wish for…

Here are what some other Daily Prompt Writers had to say about the subject today…

  1. ermahgerhd | Afford a Vacation
  2. Covet Thy Love | The Magic Black Book
  3. Covet | Insanitree
  4. Daily Prompt: NOT Keeping up with the Jones’ but the birds & fishes | littlegirlstory
  5. Tall Summer Dreams | Blue Loft
  6. Fairy Dust | alienorajt
  7. Thy Shall Not Covert | Dear Yolandi
  8. Covet Artistically | Abstract Organized Chaos
  9. A Horse, Of Course | A Sign Of Life
  10. To be loved-Biggest luxury | મન ની વાત
  11. I have what I need, and that’s fine by me really. Want is too expensive anyway… | thoughtsofrkh
  12. Daily Prompt: Keeping up with the Jones’ | Under the Monkey Tree
 Have a safe and blessed day…it is Black Friday so it is a jungle out there…

Tammye Honey


Daily Prompt: Evil In The World Today

Daily Prompt: Wicked Witch

Write about evil: how you understand it (or don’t),
what you think it means, or a way it’s manifested,
either in the world at large or in your life.

Photographers, artists, poets: show us EVIL.

My daughter shared a video that she is covering with her class this coming week.  I think that video says it all.

What can we do to delete the negative energy in our lives.
If we share positive energy with others it becomes contagious.

Here are what other Daily Prompt Writers had to say:

  1. Ego | Bright Moments Catcher
  2. My.Vivid.Visions | Daily Prompt: Wicked Witch – It’s Me!!!
  3. DP : Evil | Experimental Fiction
  4. Daily Prompt: Wicked Witch | Awl and Scribe
  5. Daily Prompt: Wicked Witch | Bizzimummy’s World
  6. Frosty Friday | Purple Rosemary
  7. Cruella Deville [Daily Prompt: Wicked Witch] | unknowinglee
  8. Daily Prompt: Wicked Witch | Under the Monkey Tree
  9. A Lesson In Good And Evil | The Jittery Goat
  10. Wicked Witch | Braised Pork on Rice
  11. Daily Prompt: Wicked WItch | WilderThing

Share love not hate.  It begins with you.

Tammye Honey


Daily Prompt: The meaning of love

stop by and see us

What does love mean to you?

by Scott Berkun on August 5, 2011

Topic #210:

What does love mean to you?
We talk about love all the time, but rarely do we sit down and think about what it is.
How our behavior helps us get more or less of the kind of love we desire.

How does platonic love differ from romantic love?
How does the love we get from a parent differ from the love we get from a friend?
Or a dog?
Is love a feeling or a set of behaviors?

This topic suggested by Timmer at Timmer’s blog.

There are so many forms of love.
Truly love should be unconditional no matter who or what it is directed to.


Animals love unconditionally no matter who their owner is.


They do not distinguish between gender or species, or race.



They set an example for all of the humans.



There are a lot more variations of love though:

picks from lexar 693

The love of Birds

Rather than reach under a cupboard

The Love of Cooking

CIMG0114The Love of Food

002 (3)The Love of Nature

Emmylou Harris and me on stage at the Grand Ole Opry

The Love of Music


The Love of Your Country


The Love of a great tub bath

007 (2)

The Love of Great Friends

our pic.jpg

The love of a spouse



Your Home

Child Praying

Love of Religion


The Love of a child and family

I have explored just a few relationships that require love that is or should be unconditional.

Would love to hear your thoughts on this subject so leave a comment.

Here are what other Daily Prompt Writers had to say:

Hope your day is filled with love and happiness

Tammye Honey


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Daily Prompt: How much info is too much?

Should You Let the Cats Out of the Bag? Blogging About Family and Friends


Here are a few suggestions that the Daily Prompt gave to use before you put yourself and your family out there into public viewing.  It may not be what you say but what someone else shares and comments on after that actually does the damage to the family relationship.

  • What if it were me? If you were reading your closest friend’s blog and saw a similar story about you — perhaps something you hadn’t shared with others yet — how would you feel? (What’s that; your closest friend doesn’t have a blog? Why not?)
  • If I were telling this story to a group of people, would I share these details? Picture the real-life equivalent of your blog readers: you’re at a party talking to a group of people, some you know well, some less so, some not at all. You’re telling the story. Are you okay with those to whom you’re less connected hearing it?
  • Am I talking about children? My children? They’re not in the same position to assert themselves and ask not to be mentioned; that goes double for other people’s children.
  • You’re browsing Facebook and see that someone’s shared the post with less-than-positive commentary; how do you feel? Do any protective instincts kick in? Blogging isn’t just about what you share, but how others run with that. Are you comfortable if someone takes the story and sprints in the other direction?
  • If a prospective employer or partner found the story, would reading it hurt your friend’s chances? This is unlikely, especially since you’re probably not using your friend’s full name with loads of identifying details; the underlying question is whether the story puts your loved one in any kind of compromised position. Whether or not they’re identifiable, it’s probably not ideal.

Lots of stories are fine to tell — the hilarious story about the UPS mixup your cousin told you at Thanksgiving probably doesn’t impact anyone, except maybe the UPS man. In other cases, it’s worth thinking through the what-ifs.

These ideas really sounded like a great foundation to keep peace and with the Holidays coming up and silly things possibly happening around the table perhaps this will stop a war in 2014.

If you are not sure if it will not keep peace in the family, here is my advice to you…

Some things in life are worth biting your lip and keeping it zipped.  Unconventional love does not always mean what we think.

Would love to hear your thoughts on this matter….leave me a comment and let me know what you think about this subject…

Do you agree or do you feel differently and why?

I am listening…

Tammye Honey


Daily Prompt: Life Is Intense



Daily Prompt: Intense!


Describe the last time you were surprised by the intensity of a feeling you had about something,
or were surprised at how strongly you reacted to something you thought wouldn’t be a big deal.

Photographers, artists, poets: show us INTENSE.

When I broke my two fingers on my left hand in June, at first I thought it was not going to be a big deal since I write with my right hand.

As the time progressed, I found myself unable to do so many things that I was not aware that I had performed with my left hand,
until I actually went to do them.

This fact began to terrify me.  I was not used to dropping items.  To have to stop from doing things that I love such as type (blog) or even to crochet.

To do the dishes was a total nightmare.  It is a good thing that we had a steady stream of Tupperware and Corelle Ware dishes.
If I had a quarter for every one that I dropped then I could take a nice vacation in Costa Rica.

The pain was incredible and it still is.  The therapy was intense and really helped until I reached a point that the therapy came to a dead halt.
This is as good as it gets.
With my hubby coming upon his surgery and my recent problems with my thyroid having a growth I am a little overwhelmed at times.

I just take a deep breath, say a little prayer and put on my big girl panties to start my day.

Child Praying


It is called living my life.  I am not any different than most people.
I look around me and I am thanking God several times a day for having most of my body parts which are functioning.

That I have a warm home, a loving hubby, loving pets, warm food on my table and love of several friends.

My family and grand children are all wonderful, beautiful (or handsome) and healthy.

I am able to start to blog again and share my thoughts about life.



What are your thoughts on life and do you live a quite life or is it also intense for you.
Do you have special items that you feel blessed about?  Please share them in the comments.

I would love to hear your thoughts.

Have a wonderful day,

Tammye Honey

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Daily Prompt: Trick or Treat…Is Your Light On?

Daily Prompt: Trick or Treat

by michelle w. on October 31, 2013

If bloggers had their own Halloween and could go from blog to blog collecting “treats,” what would your blog hand out?

Photographers, artists, poets: show us TREAT.  



Will your light be on for the trick or treater’s who pass by your house this year?

Will you be like a few of my friends who turn all of their lights off and pretend like they are not home so that they do not have to open their door?

I have often asked those friends why they hide in their homes and do this, as they give to a lot of various charities so I know it is not about the money.

Their answers are all about the same… “I just do not like this season”.

It seems that there must be an easier way to handle the situation than become a prisioner in your home and reading by a flashlight so that no one will know if you are home or not.

I also have several friends who are on the other end of the spectrum and plan for an entire year for this day.  They have an elaborate yard with special effects that are not too spooky for the little ones.  They are also the friends who decorate for Thanksgiving and Christmas, as well as several other Holidays…

Since we live way out in the country, we have only had one year where we had two children who stopped and visited our home.  They were really happy that they did too…

We took all kinds of pictures, gave them a ton of candy and really made a big deal about their costumes and how great they looked.  Sadly they moved.

If you are visiting my blog then I will give you a treat…


Stay safe this Halloween and please keep your animals inside where they will be safe…

Check the childrens candy as there are some sick people out there or just go where you know the people…

Check to see what is going on in your area that is inside and safe… a lot of malls are putting on functions as well as fire stations and Churches.

If using candles in your pumpkins please watch where you place them and be sure that if they get knocked over that a huge fire will not be started.

Tammye Honey


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Weekly Writing Challenge: Dear TammyeHoney


Weekly Writing Challenge: Dear ____________________

by Erica on October 28, 2013

To participate, tag your post with DPchallenge and include a link to this post, to generate a pingback and help others find the challenges. Please make sure your post has been specifically written in response to this challenge. We’ll highlight some of our favorites on Freshly Pressed on Friday, and in our monthly newsletter.

For this week’s writing challenge, channel your inner Abigail Von Buren. Experiment with the question and answer format. Taking inspiration from a question you’ve been asked recently, whether in conversation with a friend or sent in from a reader, don your best counselor hat and share your expertise.

Not up for kickstarting your career as an advice columnist? We’ve got a few more ways to help get you involved with this week’s focus on advice.

  • What’s the best, or worst, piece of advice you’ve ever gotten?
  • You’re the most important writer in the world, and everyone will be tuning in to your blog to listen to the one bit of knowledge you most want to share. What is it?
  • Do you live by the advice you give? Sure, it’s easy to dish out opinions, but are you a pillar of your own beliefs?

I give lessons on Cooking, Crocheting, Sewing and Knitting on a regular basis.  I do not feel this is classified as advice.  It is simply someone who has worked the problem successfully at a prior time who is able to lend a helping hand to someone who has never walked that mile yet.

Helping a friend who is a new mother and is nursing her first baby my advice is very simple.  The baby will let you know when things are not quite right.  If things are flowing in a set pattern and routine then life is good.  The plumber never puts in new pipes if there is not a problem.

If a problem is not going to make a difference a year from now, perhaps it does not need to be a top priority on the list.  A lot of problems have a way of working themselves out on their own without doing anything but praying for the correct way for God’s will to be done.  I always to suggest to pray for three days on the same subject before making a decision.  This gives a person time to think with a clearer head and thought patterns.

Just thinking before you speak as to how it will have an effect on others will sometimes change the wording that would have otherwise been blurted out.

Remembering others and that they have feelings that can get hurt.  To never speak when angry and to bite the tongue if it is going to be a cruel comment will save on an embarasing moment later on.

What questions as my reader would you like to see answered here?

Submit your questions and I will be glad to honestly answer them for you.  (Or find a great source for your answer)

TammyeHoney’s Advice column is now open to her readers.

Bring on the questions….

I am ready and waiting..

Tammye Honey



Daily Prompt: Do Opposite When You Do All Three?

Daily Prompt: Opposite Day

If you normally write non-fiction, post a photo. If you normally post images, write fiction. If you normally write fiction, write a poem. If you normally write poetry, draw a picture. (New) photographers, artists, poets: show us OPPOSITE.
I have been known to write a poem or two.
Sometimes happy, sometimes blue.
Fictional stories thrown in, a few.
A scattered picture of me and you.
Today’s prompt came as a surprise.
What would I do here, compromise?
I could always write a pack of lies.
That would finish me off, my own demise.
I thought of a story of fiction to write.
A life of children to bring to light.
Of how love being shown is always right.
Saying I love you last thing at night.
To give a small hug and say I love you.
Does not take blood, does not cost too.
To find it hard to say and to show is true.
To turn away from God is the last thing to do.
If you have the love of God in your heart.
The family stays together and never apart.
The light of his love will shine, strong like a spark.
Your words will ring true, sung like a lark.
A simple prayer to those who have lost their way.
Please listen to what I have to say.
God did not abandon you or not hear your prayer, as you say.
He just answered it slowly in a different way.
When we lose a loved one so close and so dear.
Perhaps backs are turned from God from fear.
If we look at it from fresh eyes it may be clear.
The suffering spared, had they stayed here.
To see a machine that is all that gives one life.
Be it a father, sister, brother or wife.
If the pain and suffering would be like a cut from a knife.
Perhaps God’s plan was to spare that one’s suffering strife.
We must get on and cherish those near.
They could be gone in a flash or hurt severe.
Say the words today that make them dear.
Don’t hold back from anger or fear.
Anger will rob you from life’s golden treasures.
Hope will make it grow by leaps and measures.
Love will make it strong and bring you pleasures.
Life is too short, so grow angel feathers.
So find you smile and love your children as well.
It will cleanse your heart and will break the spell.
Children learn what they see and what is on the shell.
By your example is what their life will tell.
We teach hate with cruel words, love is shown by doing.
If the love is not seen, then resentment comes spewing.
A simple fix with prayer is the answer of cueing.
To turn back to God and allow his love to start viewing.   
Child PrayingimagesCA3013JX
Have a blessed and happy day,
To see what other Daily Prompt Writer responses were:
Tammye Honey


Daily Prompt: Inspiration

Daily Prompt: Earworm

Write whatever you normally write about, and weave in a book quote, film quote, or song lyric that’s been sticking with you this week.

Photographers, artists, poets: show us INSPIRATION.

If you want sunshine in your day you have to keep a happy attitude and think happy thoughts.

To bring a dark cloud to surround you will only keep the storm.

Here is some sunshine use it wisely.

Be happy and dwell on what makes life great.

Everything could be gone in a flash.

Take a quick look around and be thankful for what you have.

To see what other Daily Prompt Writers had to say:

Tammye Honey


1 Comment

Daily Prompt: Looking In The Mirror

Daily Prompt: Mirror, Mirror

Finish this sentence: “When I look in the mirror, I . . . “

Photographers, artists, poets: show us MIRRORED.

Think of the Dove commercial that was produced recently.  

Since viewing that commercial, I see a totally different person than what I used to.

Here are what a few other Daily Prompt Writers had to say:

(To check them all out go here

  1. Daily Writing Prompt|When I look in the mirror, I… | My OCD Diaries
  2. Dear Me, I See You | tuckedintoacorner
  3. Mirror, Mirror | The Silver Lining of the Optimistic Pessimist
  4. Daily prompt: mirror me | Empressnasigoreng’s Blog
  5. Mirror, Mirror On The Wall… | Script Under Construction
  6. Making a Spectacle of Myself | rarasaur
  7. Daily Prompt: Mirrored | sukies original
  8. Reflections | 2 times pink

There were 100 other writers so be sure to check them out.

What do you see in the mirror?

Thank you for reading and for your comments.

Tammye Honey