My Daily Prompt Blog

Where I do my Daily Prompts

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Just when life seems crazy…It gets crazier

So my rash cleared up thanks to a shot and 14 days of antibiotic.  Within a few days it was back and stronger yet.
Luckily I had a scheduled follow up visit with the doctor any ways so I dragged my body in there yesterday.
Trust me, I would have rather have stayed in bed.  Every joint in my body aches.  The change in weather has not helped.

Our visit was quite interesting as she sat and listened and saw the rash again, noticed that I still had difficulty breathing.
We discussed the blood test that had been drawn for my pre allergy test.  I found it odd that it suddenly showed that I was
now allergic to beef, pork and milk…on a severe level.  As she put it guess what they are fed…corn…so she felt that it was
not odd at all.

I am now in the process of being tested for a problem called Alpha Gal.
According to  :


Lone Star Tick

Galactose-alpha-1,3-galactose, or Alpha-Gal for short, is a delayed allergy to mammal meat affecting a growing number of the population. This allergy is initially caused by a tick bite. Since the reaction to eating mammal meat is delayed by several hours, the proper diagnosis is often missed or misdiagnosed. People who are afflicted with the Alpha-Gal allergy have to be constantly vigilant about the ingredients they consume, because an allergic reaction can be severe and life-threatening.
By getting the attention of the food service industry, particularly in schools, colleges and universities, and restaurants, sufferers will get relief.  Adding beef broth to soup and calling it vegetable soup or adding bacon drippings to gravy can be life-threatening to people with the Alpha-Gal allergy. By including Alpha-Gal allergy information on menus or even more specifically, having ingredient lists available upon request, the constant worry will be eliminated from eating out.


AGAA will strive to empower those with this allergy. Living with the Alpha-Gal allergy can be quite stressful, because many activities are planned around food, and it is often almost impossible to know the ingredients in many dishes. This problem can render a simple meal into an anxiety-provoking situation for people with the allergy, because they are very aware of the possibility they could be unknowingly ingesting food that contains an undisclosed allergen. By getting attention for this allergy, it is AGAA’s hope that those affected will be better able to cope with this allergy, due to others’ increased awareness and subsequent conscientiousness regarding food preparation.

Mission Statement

Enlighten. Empower. Eradicate.

The mission of Alpha-Gal Allergy Awareness team is to promote health and ultimately, save the lives of those afflicted with the Alpha-Gal allergy through increased allergy awareness.

Awareness Disclaimer

The materials and information on this page, along with any articles or other links, are for informational and educational purposes, intended to promote awareness and are not, nor intended to constitute or replace, medical or other health science advice or treatment. Alpha-Gal Allergy wareness strives for the information on the page to be accurate, but much of the information is opinion of others, including information contained in articles, so AGAA disclaims any warranty of any kind, whether express or implied, as to any matter whatsoever relating to this site.  In no event shall AGAA be liable for any indirect, special, incidental, general or consequential damages arising out of any use of or reliance on any content of this website. This is strictly an awareness site and no connection to the medical field is present.

I am now on an antibiotic for the next fourteen days and I had to get another shot.  Now I have to go for a series of blood tests and see an allergist.

Perhaps after this I will begin to feel a little better and my body will begin to stop aching.  Guess I will never be able to enjoy red meat or pork or dairy again.

There goes my bacon cheeseburgers.  Needless to say I have a big pot of homemade chicken noodle soup cooking.  My biggest fear is what did they feed the chicken.


Daily Prompt: Connecting the Dots Each Day

Daily Prompt: Connect the Dots

Scour the news for an entirely uninteresting story.
Consider how it connects to your life.
Write about that.

Photographers, artists, poets: show us a CONNECTION.

I am going to state ahead of time that I will possible ruffle a few feathers with this article.  
This is fine since comments are welcome of all opinions.

I chose to write about PTSD and it’s effects on lives of the family members of those who have it.
It is not just the person who has it who suffers from this.  The research is so in the dark for a cure.

Despite being told by a psychiatrist not to watch the Military Channel someone with PTSD can be drawn to it like flys to honey.

The path to recover is a long and slow path with a lot of work for the individual and the family.

Patience is the key.  Some days it feels as if alzheimer’s disease has kicked in or a bad case of “deja vous”  as the day progresses the little triggers kick in.

Night time is worse in our home and the dream medication will work some nights and other nights it is as if it were never taken.  Not only does the person relive the encounter, the spouse also spends the evening having the same experience.  This makes for a very long night and very little restful sleep.  

To put the day back into prospective the next morning is always very interesting.  Bringing the subject back to the current day (which I have done throughout the night at times also) is sometimes easier after a cup of coffee.  

My prayer is that they find a real cure for it rather than give a combination of pills that work as a “cocktail”.
I have found my spouse on the floor from these wonderful combinations as the sudden drop in blood pressure causes the body to drop where the subject is.  

This is dangerous.  After playing russian roulette with the various medications, being off from the majority of them has been the only answer.

Hense, the suffering continues.  The good news is that only the family is the ones who are suffering since the subject really does not realize what is happening most of the time.
Going to a grocery store and trying to go down an isle does not seem like a big deal unless you are a person with PTSD.  The problem is that the family sometimes forgets this and turns to find the subject missing.  They are left standing in the isle talking to themself as they turn to find the subject has disappeared.  Frustration has just set in for everyone.  Both the subject who has had an episode and the family member who now has to stop and begin a quest to find the subject.  What started out as a simple few object shopping list trip has now become a few hours.  
There are other days that the trip goes very smoothly and rapidly as one would normally plan and life is awesome.  The amazing part of PTSD is that there are no pre indicators.  It is not like a migraine where you get the warning signs.  

My answer to it all is simply…Tomorrow is truly another day.

Would love to hear from my readers about how you feel about this.  
Leave a comment and let me know.

Tammye Honey



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Daily Prompt: Trick or Treat…Is Your Light On?

Daily Prompt: Trick or Treat

by michelle w. on October 31, 2013

If bloggers had their own Halloween and could go from blog to blog collecting “treats,” what would your blog hand out?

Photographers, artists, poets: show us TREAT.  



Will your light be on for the trick or treater’s who pass by your house this year?

Will you be like a few of my friends who turn all of their lights off and pretend like they are not home so that they do not have to open their door?

I have often asked those friends why they hide in their homes and do this, as they give to a lot of various charities so I know it is not about the money.

Their answers are all about the same… “I just do not like this season”.

It seems that there must be an easier way to handle the situation than become a prisioner in your home and reading by a flashlight so that no one will know if you are home or not.

I also have several friends who are on the other end of the spectrum and plan for an entire year for this day.  They have an elaborate yard with special effects that are not too spooky for the little ones.  They are also the friends who decorate for Thanksgiving and Christmas, as well as several other Holidays…

Since we live way out in the country, we have only had one year where we had two children who stopped and visited our home.  They were really happy that they did too…

We took all kinds of pictures, gave them a ton of candy and really made a big deal about their costumes and how great they looked.  Sadly they moved.

If you are visiting my blog then I will give you a treat…


Stay safe this Halloween and please keep your animals inside where they will be safe…

Check the childrens candy as there are some sick people out there or just go where you know the people…

Check to see what is going on in your area that is inside and safe… a lot of malls are putting on functions as well as fire stations and Churches.

If using candles in your pumpkins please watch where you place them and be sure that if they get knocked over that a huge fire will not be started.

Tammye Honey



Central New York State Under Water

Our Prayers go out to the families in Central NY who are battling with the flooding conditions as we speak.
With heavy downpours still in the forecast there is no relief in site.
Thanks to friends back in New York via Facebook, here are current pictures to show what is happening.

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Return to index… Clinton Early Learning Ctr.
Mohawk Limited-Chadwicks
All employees report at 10am
REDCO Foods- Little Falls
Closed: 1st, 2nd Shift Do Not Report

General Cancellations
Return to index… City of Little Falls
NYS Rte 5 from Gun Club to City Line
Commercial Drive
Closed from Henderson to Rte 69
NYS Route 28
Bridge in Middleville Closed
Slocum Dickson Medical Group
ILION Location Closed
Working Solutions Career Center
Herkimer Office Closed

The list is starting to grow of the closings in the area….

Stay tuned to for more closings

Remember that there is a boil water alert for the entire area.
Keep fridge and freezers closed.  Turn off any large appliances that are not in use while power is off …
You will have a power surge when power comes back on.
With our forecast of rain here in Tennessee it is a sign of more rain heading their way in next few days.

Prayers to all …stay safe and please contact loved ones…

Tammye Honey


Daily Prompt: Journey Into The Past

Daily Prompt: Journey

Tell us about a journey — whether a physical trip you took, or an emotional one.

Photographers, show us JOURNEY.


Last night with our house guest was an emotional journey for my hubby.  In his mind, he was able to go back in time to a period when he was so familiar with having biked with two friends across South Korea.

So Ho Woo and my hubby sat out by the fire talking about various places in South Korea that my hubby had been.  They even discussed a time when my hubby and his buddy’s had came across a funeral procession that they suddenly found themselves a part of.

As the evening progressed, one could hear the sound of laughter from both as they each shared stories.  With my hubby and his P.T.S.D., this was a good memory and one well worth discovering all over again.

The discussion of the process of how kimchi is made to the wall that is in South Korea, the topics were broad yet narrow.

God works in mysterious ways as my hubby was able to share with this stranger, things that he knew I might never totally understand.  This stranger was able to convey some of the fears that he faced while being on the road alone to travel his journey to Los Angeles.  Perhaps the most significance came in two strangers meeting on a road and becoming instant friends.  Perhaps a friendship that will last till death.

Of all of the cars that had past this lad on his journey.  To be stopped by an individual and asked in Korean if he was hungry.  That was the beginning of a journey.  One that we will remember for a very long time.




Perhaps the next time you pass a bicyclist on the shoulder of the road, a kind word or offer of food or water might make all the difference to them.

So Ho Woo had an unexplainable bad experience in the Knoxville, TN area to then go to Nashville, TN and spend an entire evening alone.
We are glad that we were able to show him that Tennessee can be friendly and warm.
That kindness does exist out there in the world.
Perhaps others might think twice about laying on the horn and blaring the sound then saluting him with a middle finger as they pass him.

Shame on those motorists who missed out on the chance to take an incredible journey with a young man on a quest.

Here are what other Daily Prompt Writers had to say:

  1. Let’s go for a drive to Cafe Melba |
  2. May 26 Daily Prompt: Journey | Nadeen’s Reading Corner
  3. Love. Life. | Journey Towards Success
  4. Homeless | Daily Prompt: Journey | mattsden101
  5. Daily Prompt: Journey | suzie81’s Blog
  6. Across the Dunes | thoughtsofrkh
  7. Daily Prompt: Journey 2 – Italy | suzie81’s Blog
  8. Daily Prompt: Journey 3 – Amsterdam | suzie81’s Blog
  9. Daily Prompt: Journey 4 – City Views | suzie81’s Blog
  10. My First Time to Step on Another Island | Daily Prompt: Journey | likereadingontrains
  11. No Vision – no Courage | A Teacher’s Blog
  12. Daily Prompt: Journey | SmithPixels
  13. A personal Apocalypse | A Teacher’s Blog
  14. Daily Prompt: Journey « Mama Bear Musings
  15. 150. Traveling with a baby!!! Daily Prompt | Sofie’s Diary
  16. First Manic Journey: London Calling | The Magic Black Book
  17. Coming Into Grace | Katherine’s Daughter
  18. Health Journey Reboot: week 1, Burlesque and My Snatch | Not a Diet Story
  19. Japantag 2013 | MyBlog – solaner
  20. Walking the Suffolk Coast 1 (i) | The Essex Coast
  21. Journey | Sue’s Trifles
  22. Walking on my path… | Hope* the happy hugger
  23. You can do much more than what you think. | Phelio a Random Post a Day
  24. The Right Apparel For An Emotional Journey | The Jittery Goat
  25. You never know how strong you are…| Daily Prompt: Journey | Ireland, Multiple Sclerosis and Me
  26. Title Needed | charlottesville winter
  27. Daily Prompt: Journey | بيسان
  28. Nothing Like Georgia! | Eyes Through The Glass – A Blog About Asperger’s
  29. Daily Prompt: Journey | The Scarletredish Rack
  30. Life stories: a Journey | Michael Writes
  31. Daily Prompt: Journey | The Educated Illiterates
  32. Memo 2 | jjmjmm1
  33. Dream & Journey with Us for Global Healing June 8 | 350 Dreamers
  34. Daily Prompt: Journey | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss
  35. Daily Prompt: It’s A Trip | One Starving Activist
  36. An All Girls’ Journey | Kat’s Den
  37. May 26 Daily Prompt: Good-Bye China | Left to Write
  38. Spiritual Travel: Destination or Process? | The Lifepath Dialogues
  39. Just Another Beautiful Life! | Journey Called Life …
  40. Journey of Freedom… | Haiku By Ku
  41. Daily Prompt: Journey – An Irish Honeymoon | SERENDIPITY
  42. My Journey through the Working World | Practical Business
  43. Daily Photo Prompt: Journey | Jennifer Nichole Wells
  44. The journey: the very early signs | Sheep in a basket
  45. Daily Prompt: Journey | IN THE WONDER…
  46. The Journey: Daily Prompt | Venti Mocha Moments
  47. The Journey… (Daily Prompt) | The Rider
  48. Journey | I Work for a Jerk
  49. Journey | Code Name Incog
  50. How Charles Osgood Helped Save My Life | The Office of Iguana Flats
  51. Daily Prompt: Journey | vetweet
  52. Daily Prompt: Tainted | Morrighan’s Muse

Tammye Honey


Daily Prompt: Escape Plan for Tornado

Daily Prompt: Escape!

Describe your ultimate escape plan (and tell us what you’re escaping from).



It is beautiful here most of the time.

A tornado can strike at any time.


So could an earthquake.

They are both a very real reality to think of yet not have a constant fear of as if we were on a coast line with the hurricanes.

We have a cap on the back of our truck which houses two cots, sleeping bags, canned goods, fresh water and several other necessities.

We have them packed for Vendor shows yet they are there should we need them for tornados as well.

Our medications are in bins that can be grabbed and taken with us at a moments notice.

The animals food is positioned near the door.

What would your escape plan be?  Do you have one in place?

Would love to hear…leave me a comment.

Here are what some other Daily Prompt Writers had to say about their Escapes:

  1. Ilya Fostiy. Verdict | Inside My Glitching Mind
  2. Escape! – I’m Afraid Of The Dark
  3. 3rd April Daily Prompt: Escape! | Family Photos Food & Craft
  4. 58/366 – The Great Escape | Camera Girl
  5. Daily Prompt: Escape! | The Gozum Show
  6. Go fly a kite… | Sweet Somethings
  7. The Greatest Escape | The Jittery Goat
  8. Singaporean sleeplessness | Mind Heart Journeys


Daily Prompt: Show and Tell 5 Minute Presentation

Daily Prompt: Show and Tell

by michelle w. on March 16, 2013

You’ve been asked to do a five-minute presentation to a group of young schoolchildren on the topic of your choice. Describe your presentation. 

This has to be one of the hardest Daily Prompt Choices yet.  I think that mine will be on “How important it is to care for your animal”.

Petz Game

You Can Help Local Shelter Pets

If you’ve tried to volunteer at a shelter, you might have been told you’re just too young. But that’s no reason to get bummed out! You can do so much more for shelter pets than you might think. Check out some of the cool stuff kids have done at shelters across the country.

  1. Go Viral
    These Hawaiian kids created a promotional video and a mega-catchy song for the Lana’I Animal Rescue Center.
  2. Fill ‘Er Up
    Take a tip from kids in the capital. They helped the Washington Humane Society prepare Busy Buckets—buckets filled with stuff like toys and treats that help, you guessed it, keep shelter dogs busy and happy.
  3. Toy Story
    Check out these awesome cat toys kids made out of extra collar material at Sacramento County Animal Care. Your local shelter might have some extra stuff lying around that would make a great cat toy—all you have to do is ask…and get crafty.
  4. PB & J? Make That PB & K…
    We’re betting Girl Scout Troop 40892 had as much fun stuffing Kong toys with peanut butter as the dogs at McKamey Animal Center had unstuffing them!
  5. Join a Program Just for Kids
    It’s true, some shelters have awesome programs made especially for kids. At the Bay Area Humane Society in Wisconsin, kids even get to help teach shelter pets new tricks.

These are awesome things for children to do that can help pets in each childs area and can spread the word that animals are important.

What would you say to a group of school age children for five minutes?

Would love to hear….leave me a comment.

Here are what some other Daily Prompt Writers Had to say:

  1. Photo comics “Nellie and a piece of meat” | Philosophy & Photography
  2. Russian UAZ | Philosophy & Photography
  3. Timeless Russia | Philosophy & Photography
  4. Evolution | Philosophy & Photography
  5. My story collection “Platypus” | Philosophy & Photography
  6. Who Are You? | Life, Love, and the Pursuit of Happiness
  7. The Most Interesting 3 year old In The World | That Girl Ryan
  8. What a Wonderful World – Show and Tell | Prayers and Promises
  9. What a Wonderful World – Show and Tell | Prayers and Promises
  10. Daily Prompt: Show and Tell « Mama Bear Musings
  11. Daily Post: Show and Tell | tel-uh-vizh-uh-ner-ee
  12. Cast and a Sprained Foot | Daily Prompt: Show and Tell | likereadingontrains
  13. Don’t Believe Anybody Under The Age Of 30 | The Jittery Goat
  14. Natalie Elizabeth Beech
  15. Five minutes of liberty | Spunky Wayfarer
  16. The Joy Of Poultry – Daily Prompt: Show and Tell | Kansa Muse on Micro Farming and More
  17. Daily Prompt: Show and Tell | Basically Beyond Basic
  18. Show and Tell | The Nameless One
  19. Give us this day our Daily Bread | The Daily Dilly Dally
  20. Show and Tell | Ramblin’ On
  21. Oh! Hell. Not again. | This Is My Corn
  22. Daily Prompt: Show and Tell | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss
  23. Daily Prompt – Show and Tell | Joe’s Musings
  24. Daily Prompt: Show and Tell | Daddy’s Naughty Little Girl
  25. Daily Prompt: Show and Tell | My Atheist Blog
  26. Show and Tell | “Choice” | Kaleidoscopic World in Words
  27. It’s A Trap! | Life With The Top Down
  28. Sunscreen | Head full of Fluff
  29. Daily Prompt: Tell and Show | One Starving Activist
 Thank you for reading and have a great weekend,
Tammye Honey

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Are Your Pets Really Safe?

Here are 5 things to check for in your home thanks to the ASPCA and their warnings for the household.


In 2012, the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (APCC) in Urbana, Illinois, handled more than 180,000 cases about pets possibly exposed to poisonous substances—and some breeds seemed to make up a lot more of those calls than others.

Nearly 14,000 of APCC’s 2012 calls were from worried pet parents of Labradors.Domestic shorthair cats were involved in approximately 10,000 cases (the second-most popular breed involved in APCC calls).Mixed-breed dogs (8,000 cases),Chihuahuas (4,833 cases), Golden Retrievers (4,819 cases) and Yorkshire Terriers (3,800 cases) rounded out the top six.

No matter what kind of pets they had, thousands of pet parents called us about the same products last year. Here were the top five poisons that caused pet parents to call APCC for help in 2012:

1. Prescription Human Medications

APCC handled 25,000 cases regarding human prescription medications in 2012. The top three types of medications that animals were exposed to were: heart medications (blood pressure pills), antidepressants and pain medications (opioids and prescription non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).

2. Insecticides

While just 11% of all calls to the APCC are about insecticides, more than 50% of the calls to APCC involving cats pertain to felines exposed to insecticides.

3. Over-the-Counter Human Medications

This group contains acetaminophen, ibuprofen and naproxen as well as herbal and nutraceutical products (fish oil, joint supplements).

4. Veterinary Products and Medications

Veterinary products made up nearly 6% of APCC’s case volume for 2012. Both OTC and prescription veterinary products are included in this group. Watch out for flavored tablets!

5. Household Products

APCC fielded more than 10,000 calls about household products in 2012. Household toxins can range from fire logs to cleaning products.

For numbers six through 10, check out the full list of the top poisons of 2012.

Think you know your poisons? Take the ASPCA’s I Can’t Believe It’s Poisonous Quiz on Facebook!

And remember: If you have any reason to suspect your pet has ingested something toxic, please contact your veterinarian or the Animal Poison Control Center’s 24-hour hotline at (888) 426-4435.

This is just too important not to share with everyone who owns a pet.

Please take the quiz and keep your animals safe, no matter if they are pedigree or are a shelter animal, they are part of your family now.  They are your responsibility.


Weekly Photo Challenge: Forward

Weekly Photo Challenge: Forward

by michelle w. on February 22, 2013

Recently, I was lucky enough to visit the Alhambra, the majestic hilltop Islamic palace that commands the skyline of Granada, Spain. Intricate stone pathways meander through the grounds, drawing you deeper into the lush gardens and millenium-old buildings.


Stone PathwayPlayful yet insistent, I went where the paths beckoned, marveling at walking on the same stones as 12th-century emirs, trying to feel the history through the soles of my shoes.

I was struck not just by the time and craftspersonship that went into creating these miles of paths stone by tiny stone, but also by the way the designs pulled me forward and urged me to keep exploring, even as my feet begged for a respite.

In a new post specifically created for this challenge, share a picture that says FORWARD to you.

Perhaps it’s a path you yourself have taken, the building where you’re starting a great new job, or the curve of your partner’s pregnant belly. It could be an image that shows a physical move, or something that evokes a major life change. We look forward (ha!) to your interpretations.

002 (3) ?????????????????????? new roof 104


We have moved forward after the storm to a stronger roof and are putting the pieces back together.

Our entire neighborhood is working together to clean up the mess.  Trees down all over and damaged properties that insurance did not cover.  The community is helping to cover the difference.

What have you had in your life that has made you move forward?  Let me know.

Tammye Honey

Check out some of the other Photo Challenge Responses:

  1. Weekly Photo Challenge: Forward | Ese’s Voice
  2. Weekly Photo Challenge: Forward « Beach Treasures and Treasure Beaches


Daily Prompt: No Nightmares Here Anymore

Daily Prompt: Nightmares

by michelle w. on February 19, 2013

Describe the last nightmare you remember having. What do you think it meant?

As a child and into my teens I can recall having nightmares on a regular basis.  It was simply my subconscious reliving in vivid details.

When I became married, we settled into a nice home near a fire station.  During one of the first few nights we were there, a fire had occurred during the night and the siren had gone off to alert the local firemen.  My new husband shook me as he said that I was standing on the bed crying and shouting that we needed to find the local air raid shelter.

When he woke me, he asked me why I was carrying on so in my sleep.  I could still hear the alarm and the memories of grade school and having to do the air raid shelter runs were very vivid in my mind.

For those of you who are really young, yes we had to rehearse these drills like a fire drill in school twice a week.  We went under the school below the basement into air raid shelters.

This was the early sixties in Detroit Michigan.  This was a prime target for bombing as was any large city with major industry.  The car industry would certainly be no exception.

That is the last time that I can remember having a nightmare.

I have always been a light sleeper and awake to the slightest of noise in the home.  The light sleep began with the pregnancy of my first daughter and has continued through the rest of my life.  When motherhood kicked in the sound sleep walked away.

Now I sleep with a mask on which blocks any light from the room and I have found that a do get a more tranquil sleep.  I just dream of how I am going to rearrange the rooms in the house.  I know what is on my subconscious mind lol.

Now I ask my readers the same question:  “What was your last nightmare?” and “What do you think it meant?

Here are what some other Daily Prompt Writers had to say on the matter:

  1. Daily Prompt: Nightmares | The Gozum Show
  2. Daily Prompt: Nightmares « cognitive reflection
  3. The world is infinitely stranger than anything the mind of man can invent… « Q the Adult
  4. Daily Prompt:Eaten By Lions « Natalie Elizabeth Beech
  5. Daily Prompt: Nightmares | My Overactive Dreams | Loading…
  6. Human rights abuses in mental health facilities « Mind Heart Journeys
 Sleep well my friend, clear your subconscious mind prior to going to bed…if you can or you might be entering “The Twilight Zone”
Tammye Honey