My Daily Prompt Blog

Where I do my Daily Prompts


Writing 101 Day 7 Give and Take or The Revolving Door


Write a post based on the contrast between two things 

Our cat T. C. is an old “Garfield” in his color and attitude.  He has managed to lose some weight since moving to the South from the North since he can go out during the Winter months and get some exercise as well.  His food sits on top of the washing machine so that our dog Peachy will not eat every last morsel in existence.  He is more than capable of jumping from the floor to the window to the dryer and then walking to the washer.
However, upon arriving into the house, his presence is announced loudly and constantly until he is picked up and placed on the washer next to his dish.  He will sit there and stare at the dish until I have taken my hand and have stirred the dish of dry food several times.  I must then open the sealed container of food and grab a slight hand full and add to the batch and stir again.
He will then nibble for a few minutes.  Just as I am back in my office he will make his presence known again and will either want to be petted or will want to go out.  Once in a great while if it happens to be a stormy day I will hear the childrens piano in the spare bedroom playing and I know that he has decided to take a nap.
When the dogs are fed, he is the first at their dishes to help himself to the bits in the “Kibbles and Bits”.  Then the dogs are allowed to eat.  The dogs will look at us as if to say help!…

Cats rule and dogs drool….

He has a pattern of going in and out all day.  He knows that if he sets off the front door alarm it triggers in my office and I come to the front door.  As I approach the front door I find him sitting there as if asking what took me so long.  He nibbles on some food and is right out the back door to lounge in the sun for a nap in nice weather.  Unless that was just a potty break.

You might be wondering why we tolerate this annoying daily routine.  The reason is because he is somewhere between 15 and 16 years old.  We know that we do not have that much longer to enjoy his company.  His snuggling into bed with me on my right side while the dog Trina is tucked tight against my back on my left side.


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About twice a day he insists that Trina groom him so he will walk under her and continuously butt her head until she begins to groom her.  It always happens so fast that I am never near a camera to record.  One of these days I will get it on record though.

That is the contrast in our lives that has blended well.  Perhaps someday he will decide whether he wants to be out or in lol.


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If you say you are bored or broke

10264061_10202686819984773_2222674070672019122_oThis is a few ideas to get you out of your slump….


Four Great Company’s You can Start Today

Contact @

email us for more information. or
Tammye & Emmanuel Green

So what are you waiting for?  You can change that slump today

Get started and be happy!

Tammye and Emmanuel


Daily Prompt: No Rolling Stone Here

Daily Prompt: Rolling Stone

If you could live a nomadic life, would you?
Where would you go? How would you decide?
What would life be like without a “home base”?

Photographers, artists, poets: show us TRAVEL.

We happen to know several couples who own an RV (Recreational Vehicle) and travel back and forth from each of their childrens homes across the United States.
To constantly be in a trailer, mobile home or what ever you want to call it is not what lifestyle I would ever want.
Granted, they have no mortgage (unless they owe on the RV) and only have to pay for car gasoline.
They do not have to pay property taxes, just for the license of the RV.

I think that it takes a certain type of person, one who loves camping to live like this.
To always be on the road and traveling.  To stop at various cities and not know anyone.
It is a special type of person who really enjoys this lifestyle and would not buy a home again.
Sometimes it is all about the ability to keep up the home.  (Although, you have to maintain an RV also).

I prefer to be able to walk into my own back yard and take my doggies (and kitties) for a walk.
When I walk them it is all four of them.  The cats do their duty at the same times as the dogs.
The dogs love being able to play in the neighbors hayfield and the neighbor does not mind either.
He says it looks like our dogs are patrolling their property and they feel safer because of it.

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I like having roots here and a place where my children could come to visit if they wanted to for a vacation.

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I love the weather in Tennessee, especially in the Winter.
While locals think we are having terrible weather or temperatures,  I am enjoying not having snow to my waist.

Here are what some other Daily Prompt Writers had to say:

(To see the full list check out

  1. My Life is a Rolling Stone (with no commitments): Daily Prompt | Texan in Tokyo
  2. Dogwalking, Bright light, Harsh shadows |
  3. Daily Prompt: Rolling Stone | Under the Monkey Tree
  4. Oh, Him And Her And Them? They’re Just My Home… | All Those Small Things
  5. Lost in the Thought of Africa | Daily Prompt: Rolling Stone | likereadingontrains
  6. Daily Prompt: Rolling Stone « Mama Bear Musings
  7. Nomadic life: the importance of a base | Melanie Ryding – Ryding2Health BLOG
  8. Daily Prompt – Rolling Stone | Kate Murray
  9. I’ll go with you | clarior e tenebris
  10. Daily Prompt: Rolling Stone ~ #photography | ThisCornerOfTheWoods
  11. Papa was a Rolling Stone… | The Rider
  12. Adventures in Paradise | The Jittery Goat
  13. Semi-permanence and the expat | A Girl and Her Travels
  14. Daily Prompt: Travel « Vicariously Poetic
  15. Let’s go | Spunky Wayfarer
  16. Daily Prompt: Ramblin’ Rose | One Starving Activist
  17. Daily Prompt Writing: The Nomadic Life | Lifeinpawprints’s Weblog
  18. Catherine B.’s Blog | The Nomad | Daily Prompt: Rolling Stone
  19. A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss | A Day in the Life
  20. Totally Normal! | Daily Prompt | Alaskan Wilderness
  21. Daily Prompt: Rolling Stone | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss
 Thank you for reading and your comments.
Perhaps I could have gotten into the imaginary world if I had my coffee first lol.
On to grab a fresh cup of coffee while you enjoy your reading.


Weekly Photo Challenge: Companionable

Weekly Photo Challenge: Companionable

Share a picture of a COMPANION and explain why you chose that picture.
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I do not have a large office, and only have a queen size bed.  
This is who I share my every moments with when I am home.  
I was gone yesterday for a Vendor show.
We had a storm last night.
Another storm is due shortly. 
If I shift into the bedroom they will both follow.


Daily Prompt: Citizen of Today

Daily Prompt: 21st Century Citizen

Do you belong in this day and age?
Do you feel comfortable being a citizen of the 21st-century?
If you do, explain why —
and if you don’t,
when in human history would you rather be?

Photographers, artists, poets: show us MODERN.

Let’s get real here for a second… there is not an era that has gone by that has not had it’s trials and tribulations.
With that being said, living for today and making a difference in todays society might just have an impact on tomorrow.

  • Being kind to a stranger (even a smile or kind word)
  • Being a foster parent to stray animals
  • Being a helping hand in your community
  • Teaching a class for just the cost of supplies in your community
  • Having a get to know you party in your neighborhood

Our neighbors got to know us when we went around with cameras and video equiptment and loved the video we made…

It did not cost us anything and did not hurt the environment at all…gave a smile to 28,135 people so far…

It was a way for me to get to know my neighbors and they got to know me as the lady from NY with the camera lol…

What have you done in this century to make an impact?

Would love to hear…

Here are what other Daily Prompt Writers had to say:

  1. Daily Prompt: 21st Century Citizen – show us MODERN. | masadiso79’s Blog
  2. Daily Prompt: Modern | Books, Music and Movies : my best friends
  3. 21st Century Citizen | Geek Ergo Sum
  4. Daily Prompt: 21st Century Citizen « Mama Bear Musings
  5. Abandoned, but for the sun and moon above |
  6. 21st Century Cat lives
  7. Catherine B.’s Blog | 21st Century Woman | Daily Prompt | Modern
  8. Product of my environment | Musings of a Suburban Creampuff
  9. Daily Prompt: 21st Century Citizen / Modern | Postcards from
  10. RUSSIA’S REWIND | Standing Ovation, Seated
  11. Daily Prompt: 21st Century Citizen | Under the Monkey Tree
  12. Daily Prompt: 21st Century Citizen | brent’s iPhone 4S & japan
  13. I Could Be King And Drive a ‘49 Packard | The Jittery Goat
  14. Back When I Was Young: Movie theatres were BYOF | DCMontreal
  15. 1984… | thoughtsofrkh
  16. What is Modern to You May Not Be Modern to Me [Daily Prompt: 21st Century Citizen] | unknowinglee
  17. Born in the wrong decade | chaotic keyboard
  18. Imagination fodder | I Didn’t Just Wake Up This Morning with a Craving
  19. 21st Century | thelissachronicles
  20. 21st Century Citizen: Uncomfortable Me | Khana’s Web
  21. Daily Prompt: 21st Century Citizen | Faraziyya
  22. Daily Prompt: 21st Century Citizen | iChristian
  23. Lydablogger | Being Modern – I Belong
  24. Lydablogger | Being Socially Modern
  25. “Can I borrow a cup of cornmeal..” | Relax…
  26. Daily Prompt: 21st Century Citizen | The Educated Illiterates
  27. Modern Moonlight | clarior e tenebris
  28. Daily Prompt: architecture of the now | r | one studio architecture
  29. Modern Woman: Daily Prompt | BLUE BEAD PUBLICATIONS
  30. The Feast half over | A Teacher’s Blog
  31. I don`t belong in the 21st Century | Joakim Knudsen Photography
  32. Life: Past, Present, Future | meanderedwanderings
  33. 21st Century Citizen | Strings of Life
  34. I’m where I’m meant to be | Random Encounters of an Inquisitive Mind
  35. How My Phone Is Changing Me | Self-Help for Creatively Deprived
  36. This is my age | Vivir, que no es poco
 Have you helped in your community during a time of need?
Here is another video we made for our community to prove to insurance companies that it was real in our area
Tammye Honey


Daily Prompt: An Act Of Kindness

Daily Prompt: Moment of Kindness

Describe a moment of kindness, between you and someone else — loved one or complete stranger.

Photographers, artists, poets: show us KINDNESS.

Thanks for the great idea, Archita!

It was a rainy Spring night.  It seemed that it had rained for days on end.  I was recouperating from a gall bladder surgery and from an infection in my teeth due to the gall bladder.  I was due to have all of my teeth extracted.  No matter what I tried to eat, it did not agree with me.  The headaches from the vomiting were overpowering.  To lift my head from the pillow was an effort.  My hubby was sick on the couch with the flu, hoping I would not catch it.  

The dogs did not realize this however and still needed to go out.  On one of our trips during the late night, my left leg (with the sciatic nerve damage) decided not to work as I went to come back up two small stairs to enter the house.  My left rib cage became one with the brick exterior of the house.  Dropping to my knees, unable to breathe let alone shout out, I crawled to the bedroom.  Gasping for air and a comfortable place to lay, I fell back to sleep eventually.

The next morning, as if an angel had sent her, a friend called to see how I was feeling.  It was as if she could sense it in my voice.  Not only did she come over and checked my ribs (she is a registered nurse), she helped wrap my ribs to help me breathe easier.  She took a list and money and went to the store for me.  She bought groceries and pet food to help us get through.  She not only went to the store, she stopped at two different stores to help me save money.

She has a very busy life.  Her hubby is away in Kuwait, and they have six children.   The children are busy with out of school activities as well as school functions.  In her spare time, she still finds time for the gym and for her friends.  

This was not a random act of kindness, this is how she is every day.  For this I say thank you so much.  I can never repay your kindess.  The deep love that I feel is always there and the appreciation will always stand higher than any mountain top. Can we ever tell anyone how we feel enough…

Here are what other Daily Prompt Writers had to say:

  1. A Moment of Kindness | Geek Ergo Sum
  2. Daily Prompt: Moment of Kindness | The Educated Illiterates
  3. Daily Prompt: Moment of Kindness « Mama Bear Musings
  4. Daily Prompt: Moment of Kindness | Stevie’s Words
  5. The Joke of the Day | Daily Prompt: Moment of Kindness | likereadingontrains
  6. Return To Innocence | as long as i’m singing
  7. Daily Prompt: Kindness | Books, Music and Movies : my best friends
  8. kindness | Taking time, making time
  9. Moments of Kindness | Nanuschka’s Blog
  10. An Act of Kindness in Space | Things To Rave About
  11. Daily Prompt: Moment of Kindness | unknowinglee
  12. 36. The Painting Party | Sofie’s Diary
  13. Daily Prompt – Kindness in a Meal | Create & Motivate!
  14. Moment of Kindness: Do I Suck? | Mary Angelini Photography
  15. A Thief No More (short fiction) | The Jittery Goat
  16. Our dog has curves! Wooo~ |
  17. DP – 7 Acts of Kindness | Cozy Compulsions @ Midnight
  18. Be kind to your soul | Random Encounters of an Inquisitive Mind
  19. Learning to Use the Remote | windandlaughter
  20. Moment of Kindness | Tamara’s Mid-Life Crisis @ 30
  21. My experiences with people with disabilities. Why are we so uncomfortable around them? | Hera Pereira
  22. Daily Prompt: Wicker has no place indoors | stuffy tales
  23. Daily Prompt – Moment of Kindness | hometogo232
  24. Daily Prompt: Wicker has no place indoors | Someday I Will Learn
  25. The Adventure of Ann Netherton (Short Fiction) | meanderedwanderings
  26. Daily Prompt: Kindness of Others | The White Coat Chronicles
  27. A Child’s Eyes | Lewis Cave
  28. The Wisdom of Kindness | Sanjuro Tokage’s Blog
  29. Daily Prompt: Moment Of Kindness With Mom | Mindful Splatter
  30. Blindness to Kindness | clarior e tenebris
  31. I like my Bike | The Rider
  32. Daily Prompt: Moment of Kindness | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss
  33. Human Kindness… | Haiku By Ku
  34. Canine Kindness | It’s a wonderful F’N life
  35. Daily Prompt: Moment of Kindness : The Clumsy Girl and the Homeless Man | Inside the Mind of a Crazy Cat Lady
  36. Moment of Kindness | The Nameless One
  37. Do you believe in guardian angels? | From Five to Fifty
  38. Kindness to a Stranger | The Rider
 Thank you for reading,
Tammye Honey

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Going Back In Time

Where shall I start?  Perhaps the first photo that hubby’s children saw of me announcing our recent marriage would be a great place.

Tammye's Expecting Due in July...


Imagine their surprise when they actually met me…

Let’s add our imaginary dog Pooky:

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Add a pinch of honeymoon in Afghanistan to the point where you have to take friends there to show them you really did not go…

Stir in Magazine Covers that you were never really on:



Multiply by a ton of videos that made no sense:

So that is married life…

Is it funny?
That is for my readers to decide.

Here are what other Daily Prompt Writers found funny:

  1. The Post Where I Explain Humor, Life, the Universe and Everything | She’s a Maineiac
  2. Five Routine Minutes: There Ain’t Room For Two Enfants Terrible On This Blog. One Of Us Better Leave. | Blurt
  3. Funny stuff « Fear No Weebles

Tammye Honey


Daily Prompt: A Life In Review

Daily Prompt: Four Stars

Write a review of your life — or the life of someone close to you — as if it were a movie or a book.

Photographers, artists, poets: show us LIFE.



Our story opens in a small town outside of Buffalo NY.  It is hard times.  Life is not easy in the 50’s,  a couple with seven children.

Working in the Bethlehem Steel Mill is the job that is available.  It is a hard dirty job.  Luckily it is a job and puts food on the table.





As the family grows so do the bonds between each of the family members.



Being the baby of the family, at eighteen he goes off to war to do three tours.  He meets a gal from New York State and starts a family of his own.



They go through good times and bad times.  The children grow up and start families of their own.

He becomes divorced.



He is a unique person.  Some days in a world of his own.  He decides to become married again and start a different life.

Some of the old life still creeps in and haunts him.



He tries hard to cope with it from day to day.



Just like his gnome…he travels through life with each day being a new adventure.  Coping with the past, yet looking forward to what tomorrow will bring.

This is Eman, my hubby.  A life in review.  So many pages undisclosed.  A mystery to my readers.  A must see the movie or read the book to get the juicy details.


Here are what other Daily Prompt Writers had to say on the subject:

  1. Forbidden… but allowed on a case-by-case basis |
  2. 7-Day Music Blogging Challenge | Ramisa the Authoress
  3. A review : The Life of Me | Geek Ergo Sum
  4. My Five Star Review [Daily Prompt: Four Stars] | unknowinglee
  5. For a Song | Lewis Cave
  6. A Day with the Seven Year Old Nephew | Daily Prompt: Four Stars | likereadingontrains
  7. Daily Prompt: Four Stars « Mama Bear Musings
  8. orange robes flying on a tuesday | charlottesville winter
  9. Invisible Fences, Make Good Neighbors | That Girl Ryan
  10. Daily Prompt: Four Stars | Basically Beyond Basic
  11. A Summer with Kenton Lewis: A Review of His Book | The Jittery Goat
  12. Life Unexamined | Tony’s Texts
  13. Rescued and Changed | Prayers and Promises
  14. 153. Life. Daily Prompt | Sofie’s Diary
  15. Book (P)review… | Haiku By Ku
  16. Daily Prompt: Four Stars | iChristian
  17. Daily Prompt: Four Stars | The Blogging Path
  18. Adventures of Narcolepsy Boy and Wolf Girl | It’s a wonderful F’N life
  19. My life as a movie | Random Encounters of an Inquisitive Mind
  20. An unfinished storie | Vivir, que no es poco
  21. On the edge of two eternities | I Didn’t Just Wake Up This Morning with a Craving
  22. Daily Prompt: life | simplylifestuff
  23. Daily Prompt: Four Stars | The Educated Illiterates
  24. Something a few times, & we expect it to be the norm! | MindBlur
  25. Daily Prompt: Four Stars | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss
  26. Daily Post: Movie Review of My True Love’s Life | Iam Who Iam
  27. Daily Prompt: Four Stars — Remembering the Garry Armstrong Show | SERENDIPITY
  28. Daily Prompt: Four Stars | Books, Music and Movies : my best friends
  29. Daily Prompt: Stars | One Starving Activist
 Have a great day,
Tammye Honey


Such A Local Loss of An Officer

Emotional Funeral Held For Slain Bardstown Officer

BARDSTOWN, Ky. (AP) – Hundreds of people lined the streets of Bardstown and packed into a church for the emotional funeral of a police officer fatally shot on a highway exit ramp.

The coffin of 33-year-old Jason Ellis was draped in an American flag Thursday for the 1 1/2-hour service. At least a half-dozen speakers took to the podium at Parkway Baptist Church.

The crowd included Ellis’ wife and two young sons as well as police officers from across Kentucky, Indiana and Ohio.

Bardstown Police Chief Rick McCubbin told mourners that Ellis was a fun-loving jokester who dressed as an elf at a town Christmas party, and he was proud of his work taking drugs off the streets with his K-9 partner.

Ellis was shot to death early Saturday morning on his way home from work. Police said he got out of his cruiser to remove debris from the roadway when he was killed. An investigation was ongoing. A $100,000 reward has been offered for information leading to an arrest.

Members of the University of Kentucky and Lexington Police Departments stand with the casket for Bardstown Officer Jason Ellis on Thursday, May 30, 2013. (AP Photo)

Members of the University of Kentucky and Lexington Police Departments stand with the casket for Bardstown Officer Jason Ellis on Thursday, May 30, 2013. (AP Photo)

Police officers salute as the body of slain Bardstown Police Department officer Jason Ellis is brought into the Jefferson County Government Building on May 25, 2013, in Louisville, Ky. (AP Photo)

Police officers salute as the body of slain Bardstown Police Department officer Jason Ellis is brought into the Jefferson County Government Building on May 25, 2013, in Louisville, Ky. (AP Photo)

This was such a moving story and such a local loss that I had to share it with my readers.

Thank you for reading.

Tammye Honey


Weekly Photo Challenge: What Signs Really Mean


FaceBook Posting


Weekly Photo Challenge: The Sign Says

Signs. Funny, poignant, symbolic, incorrect, informative, foreshadowing…there are so many signs in the world.
Share a picture of a SIGN and explain why you chose that picture!
I found this on FaceBook and thought it was funny.  To take a sign and then take a picture of your pooch in the garbage?
Someone had an awesome sense of humor.   Even funnier to post as their status on FaceBook.
Perhaps taking a sign for exactly as written is not quite what was intended for this sign.
Here are what other Daily Prompt Weekly Photo Challenges were submitted:
There are several more so check them out…
Tammye Honey