My Daily Prompt Blog

Where I do my Daily Prompts

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Writing 101: Day 2 Where would I go today?



Sometimes we read things on others Facebook posts that were not necessarily meant for us but the point is taken anyways.
Today was one of those days as I glanced upon my wall and saw a post about Motherless by Choice.  It hit a nerve with me and hurt.

If I could be anywhere today just for a fleeting moment in time it would be to sit next to both of my daughters just for a few minutes of their busy lives.
To be able to give them a hug, a big kiss and tell them that I truly do love them.  How proud I am of them and their success in life.

I know that there are scars in the past life and that they hold them tight.  My heart aches over this and you can’t go back and erase time or get a redo.

Life is a learning curve.  We learn from our mistakes.  We get stronger as we get older and we learn what not to do again.

I have asked forgiveness and was not allowed to have it.  From that one must go one with life.  It does not help the pain.

As I sit here and shed tears it does no good.  I realize this.  Only a head ache will occur.

Just a few minutes to hug my grand children would feel so good.  I am not getting any younger and I know that my health is not getting any better either.
These past few years have really taken a toll on me and as I reflect back it is useless to comprehend on what could have been different.  It can’t change now.

Little do they know that my heart is always with them and that my thoughts follow them through their journey of life.  Even if it is only on Facebook or an occasional text.

Perhaps some day things will be different.  I pray every night that God will soften the pain for all three of us.


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Daily Prompt: How much info is too much?

Should You Let the Cats Out of the Bag? Blogging About Family and Friends


Here are a few suggestions that the Daily Prompt gave to use before you put yourself and your family out there into public viewing.  It may not be what you say but what someone else shares and comments on after that actually does the damage to the family relationship.

  • What if it were me? If you were reading your closest friend’s blog and saw a similar story about you — perhaps something you hadn’t shared with others yet — how would you feel? (What’s that; your closest friend doesn’t have a blog? Why not?)
  • If I were telling this story to a group of people, would I share these details? Picture the real-life equivalent of your blog readers: you’re at a party talking to a group of people, some you know well, some less so, some not at all. You’re telling the story. Are you okay with those to whom you’re less connected hearing it?
  • Am I talking about children? My children? They’re not in the same position to assert themselves and ask not to be mentioned; that goes double for other people’s children.
  • You’re browsing Facebook and see that someone’s shared the post with less-than-positive commentary; how do you feel? Do any protective instincts kick in? Blogging isn’t just about what you share, but how others run with that. Are you comfortable if someone takes the story and sprints in the other direction?
  • If a prospective employer or partner found the story, would reading it hurt your friend’s chances? This is unlikely, especially since you’re probably not using your friend’s full name with loads of identifying details; the underlying question is whether the story puts your loved one in any kind of compromised position. Whether or not they’re identifiable, it’s probably not ideal.

Lots of stories are fine to tell — the hilarious story about the UPS mixup your cousin told you at Thanksgiving probably doesn’t impact anyone, except maybe the UPS man. In other cases, it’s worth thinking through the what-ifs.

These ideas really sounded like a great foundation to keep peace and with the Holidays coming up and silly things possibly happening around the table perhaps this will stop a war in 2014.

If you are not sure if it will not keep peace in the family, here is my advice to you…

Some things in life are worth biting your lip and keeping it zipped.  Unconventional love does not always mean what we think.

Would love to hear your thoughts on this matter….leave me a comment and let me know what you think about this subject…

Do you agree or do you feel differently and why?

I am listening…

Tammye Honey


Daily Prompt: Life Is Intense



Daily Prompt: Intense!


Describe the last time you were surprised by the intensity of a feeling you had about something,
or were surprised at how strongly you reacted to something you thought wouldn’t be a big deal.

Photographers, artists, poets: show us INTENSE.

When I broke my two fingers on my left hand in June, at first I thought it was not going to be a big deal since I write with my right hand.

As the time progressed, I found myself unable to do so many things that I was not aware that I had performed with my left hand,
until I actually went to do them.

This fact began to terrify me.  I was not used to dropping items.  To have to stop from doing things that I love such as type (blog) or even to crochet.

To do the dishes was a total nightmare.  It is a good thing that we had a steady stream of Tupperware and Corelle Ware dishes.
If I had a quarter for every one that I dropped then I could take a nice vacation in Costa Rica.

The pain was incredible and it still is.  The therapy was intense and really helped until I reached a point that the therapy came to a dead halt.
This is as good as it gets.
With my hubby coming upon his surgery and my recent problems with my thyroid having a growth I am a little overwhelmed at times.

I just take a deep breath, say a little prayer and put on my big girl panties to start my day.

Child Praying


It is called living my life.  I am not any different than most people.
I look around me and I am thanking God several times a day for having most of my body parts which are functioning.

That I have a warm home, a loving hubby, loving pets, warm food on my table and love of several friends.

My family and grand children are all wonderful, beautiful (or handsome) and healthy.

I am able to start to blog again and share my thoughts about life.



What are your thoughts on life and do you live a quite life or is it also intense for you.
Do you have special items that you feel blessed about?  Please share them in the comments.

I would love to hear your thoughts.

Have a wonderful day,

Tammye Honey


Daily Prompt: Inspiration

Daily Prompt: Earworm

Write whatever you normally write about, and weave in a book quote, film quote, or song lyric that’s been sticking with you this week.

Photographers, artists, poets: show us INSPIRATION.

If you want sunshine in your day you have to keep a happy attitude and think happy thoughts.

To bring a dark cloud to surround you will only keep the storm.

Here is some sunshine use it wisely.

Be happy and dwell on what makes life great.

Everything could be gone in a flash.

Take a quick look around and be thankful for what you have.

To see what other Daily Prompt Writers had to say:

Tammye Honey



Daily Prompt: No Rolling Stone Here

Daily Prompt: Rolling Stone

If you could live a nomadic life, would you?
Where would you go? How would you decide?
What would life be like without a “home base”?

Photographers, artists, poets: show us TRAVEL.

We happen to know several couples who own an RV (Recreational Vehicle) and travel back and forth from each of their childrens homes across the United States.
To constantly be in a trailer, mobile home or what ever you want to call it is not what lifestyle I would ever want.
Granted, they have no mortgage (unless they owe on the RV) and only have to pay for car gasoline.
They do not have to pay property taxes, just for the license of the RV.

I think that it takes a certain type of person, one who loves camping to live like this.
To always be on the road and traveling.  To stop at various cities and not know anyone.
It is a special type of person who really enjoys this lifestyle and would not buy a home again.
Sometimes it is all about the ability to keep up the home.  (Although, you have to maintain an RV also).

I prefer to be able to walk into my own back yard and take my doggies (and kitties) for a walk.
When I walk them it is all four of them.  The cats do their duty at the same times as the dogs.
The dogs love being able to play in the neighbors hayfield and the neighbor does not mind either.
He says it looks like our dogs are patrolling their property and they feel safer because of it.

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I like having roots here and a place where my children could come to visit if they wanted to for a vacation.

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I love the weather in Tennessee, especially in the Winter.
While locals think we are having terrible weather or temperatures,  I am enjoying not having snow to my waist.

Here are what some other Daily Prompt Writers had to say:

(To see the full list check out

  1. My Life is a Rolling Stone (with no commitments): Daily Prompt | Texan in Tokyo
  2. Dogwalking, Bright light, Harsh shadows |
  3. Daily Prompt: Rolling Stone | Under the Monkey Tree
  4. Oh, Him And Her And Them? They’re Just My Home… | All Those Small Things
  5. Lost in the Thought of Africa | Daily Prompt: Rolling Stone | likereadingontrains
  6. Daily Prompt: Rolling Stone « Mama Bear Musings
  7. Nomadic life: the importance of a base | Melanie Ryding – Ryding2Health BLOG
  8. Daily Prompt – Rolling Stone | Kate Murray
  9. I’ll go with you | clarior e tenebris
  10. Daily Prompt: Rolling Stone ~ #photography | ThisCornerOfTheWoods
  11. Papa was a Rolling Stone… | The Rider
  12. Adventures in Paradise | The Jittery Goat
  13. Semi-permanence and the expat | A Girl and Her Travels
  14. Daily Prompt: Travel « Vicariously Poetic
  15. Let’s go | Spunky Wayfarer
  16. Daily Prompt: Ramblin’ Rose | One Starving Activist
  17. Daily Prompt Writing: The Nomadic Life | Lifeinpawprints’s Weblog
  18. Catherine B.’s Blog | The Nomad | Daily Prompt: Rolling Stone
  19. A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss | A Day in the Life
  20. Totally Normal! | Daily Prompt | Alaskan Wilderness
  21. Daily Prompt: Rolling Stone | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss
 Thank you for reading and your comments.
Perhaps I could have gotten into the imaginary world if I had my coffee first lol.
On to grab a fresh cup of coffee while you enjoy your reading.


Daily Prompt: Special Helping Hands

Daily Prompt: Helping Hand

Tell us about the most surprising helping hand you’ve ever received.

Photographers, show us HANDS.

Thanks for the great idea, juliemumonwheels!

The first thing that came to mind would have been a reblog of where I had a surprise visit and help picking apples where I made some desserts and apple sauce later that we all enjoyed.

More short men in tree

helping hands

I have had a house guest this weekend.  She has helped me with laundry, dishes and vacuuming.  Without my asking.  It has been helping hands that have been wonderful.  She may be only 16 but she does have a good head on her shoulders.  Not that she always uses it, like most 16 year olds, she does get grounded.  She has good parents who care.  That is why.  When she starts to take a road that perhaps will lead her to an obvious path that an adult can see is not a good one, her parents are aware and stop it prior to any complications.

She really does not realize how lucky she is right now, she thinks she does.  In time, she will slowly learn that she was even more luckier than she could have ever imagined.

She is an asset at home when she wants to be I am sure.  There are chores for each of the children.  They may not like their chores, yet when they get older and leave for college and are on their own and know how to do the skills that they had to do as children, they will look back.

Then will be the time that they are glad that they grew up as helping hands.

Here are what other Daily Prompt Writers had to say on the subject:

  1. Take my hand | thoughtsofrkh
  2. Daily Prompt: Helping Hand « Mama Bear Musings
  3. The Beta Reader | Daily Prompt: Helping Hand | likereadingontrains
  4. Daily Prompt: Helping Hand | The Blogging Path
  5. A Communist Pig Gets A Helping Hand From Capitalist Bully | The Jittery Goat
  6. Overcoming Psychological Issues of Being A Novelist | Ramisa the Authoress
  7. Daily Prompt: Helping Hand | suzie81’s Blog
  8. Daily Prompt: Hands | بيسان
  9. The Helping Hand of a Special Needs Child | Adventure of Yasin
  10. Daily Post: The Gift | One Starving Activist
  11. A Hand | Tony’s Texts
  12. One Starving Activist
  13. From the most unexpected | Daily prompt | so i wrote
  14. A helping paw | MC’s Whispers
  15. No lone wanderer | vicariously in love with you
  16. Daily Prompt: Helping Hand | suzie81’s Blog
  17. Sherri, Nathaniel, and Baba Ghanoush | The Life Nomadik
  18. The Daily Prompt: Helping Hand | The Land Slide Photography
  19. Humility | Relax…
  20. Just Hands | The Nameless One
  21. Daily Prompt: Helping Hand | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss
  22. Daily Prompt: Helping Hand | writinglikeastoner
  23. Helping Hands… | Haiku By Ku
  24. Lending a hand… | Hope* the happy hugger
  25. A helping hand | Geek Ergo Sum
  26. Helping hands | Nanuschka’s Blog
  27. Daily Prompt: Helping Hand | six degrees photography
  28. Daily Prompt: Helping Hand | Franz Fuls
  29. Daily Prompt: Helping Hand No. 3 | suzie81’s Blog
  30. Response to Daily Prompt: Helping Hand | bullyingdontstandbystepup
  31. A helping hand- a second chance to live… (Daily Prompt) | The Rider
  32. WP Daily Prompt: Helping Hand: A Handwritten Letter | CAROLYN’S COMPOSITIONS
  33. Fire in My Neighbourhood | Papaya Pieces
  34. Daily Prompt: Helping Hand | Basically Beyond Basic
  35. Daily Prompt: Helping Hand | Wandering Through Wonderland
  36. Daily Prompt: Helping Hand | Let There be Peace on Earth
  37. Hands Across the East Coast | Sam’s Online Journal
  38. My Ma’s Hand | fingerprintwriting
 Thank you for reading.
What are the helping hands that you have seen in your life?
Would love to hear so leave me a comment.
Tammye Honey



Daily Prompt: Love IS

Daily Prompt: I Want to Know What Love Is

We each have many types of love relationships — parents, children, spouses, friends. And they’re not always with people; you may love an animal, or a place. Is there a single idea or definition that runs through all the varieties of “love”?

Love is in so many examples and can be shown in so many ways that does not cost any money.
Tell someone that you love them today.
Give a stranger a smile and tell them to have a nice day. 🙂
Have a great day.  To every Mom out there enjoy your day tomorrow.

Here is what other Daily Prompt Writers had to say about Love:

  1. May 11 Daily Prompt: I Want To Know What Love Is | Nadeen’s Reading Corner
  2. Change Without Prior Notice | Daily Prompt: I Want to Know What Love Is | likereadingontrains
  3. Easy Answer « Sorta-Ginger
  4. Daily Post: What is Love? | A Sign Of Life
  5. Love (WordPress Daily Prompt) | Ireland, Multiple Sclerosis and Me
  6. Unconditional Love? | Sam’s Online Journal
  7. Ilya Fostiy. Is There a God? | Bright Moments Catcher
  8. All is lie | Phelio a Random Post a Day
  9. Love Is Like A Rock | Katherine’s Daughter
  10. Love at its best, Love at its worst | the world behind the lens
  11. Love is subjective: Feel it to define it. | Sofistikeyted
  12. Love Ain’t What It Used To Be | The Jittery Goat
  13. Daily Prompt: I Want to Know What Love Is | The Daily Post | The Blogging Path
  14. Beloved | Spunky Wayfarer
  15. Daily Prompt: I Want to Know What Love Is | On My Front Porch
  16. Love is a beautiful song… and more… (Daily Prompt) | The Rider
  17. 723: Daily Prompt: I want to know what love is: “What love?” | SEVEN Hundred 50
  18. DP: Sacrifice | Elizabeth Los
  19. AwwwwSOME! | Relax…
  20. Repost – Cinta… apa itu Cinta dan Siapa Cinta? | Jejak Langkah…
  21. What Is Love? Daily Don’t Prompt Me! | Edward Hotspur
  22. The Cracks in the Earth | the truth should be free
  23. Daily Prompt; I Want to Know What Love is | terry1954
  24. Love… | Haiku By Ku

Tammye Honey

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Day Three on My A-Z Road Trip

Post A-to-Z Road Trip [2013]

One of my usual favorites is so I am not counting it as part of my journey.  I am mentioning it as she is part of the Road Trip and always interesting.  here is a little blurb about them:


I actually don’t enjoy writing that much! For some reason I’ve always had to do it though, so I shall somewhat reluctantly endure the inevitable role I must play in this. Megan is much better at it than I am – but she’s too busy writing stories.
For the A-Z we are both contributing to posts. All clip art used is free through Microsoft Office, and the photos used are our own.

Check out some of their works.

Since my program is not on yet I felt up to doing a little extra driving through blogger highway tonight so I spotted another new blog site to check out as well…

About Me

My Photo

Ohio, United States
Happily married for lots of years to great guy, mother of one wonderful daughter. I have lots of interests and wished I had more time to explore them all.

This one you have to check for yourself and if you love cats, you are going to love her…

So today, I was really feeling energetic and met several new sites.  I had fun in my travels to new places and I hope that you also enjoyed the tour.

Tomorrow we will explore more on our journey across the road trip of A-Z challenge.  This has been fun and hope that you pack a snack and sit back and enjoy.

Tammye Honey



Daily Prompt: Swaggin has new meaning


Daily Prompt: Morphing



Language evolves. The meaning of a word can shift over time as we use it differently — think of “cool,” “heavy,” or even “literally.”

Today, give a word an evolutionary push: give a common word a new meaning, explain it to us, and use it in the title of your post.



My best source to find an older word that has new meaning is to go to Facebook and check out my oldest granddaughter’s profile.  I am always hitting gold when it comes to a phrase or word being used that has new meaning.  Today’s word was Swaggin which means that she is heading or traveling…

When I was younger that was a description for a type of curtain.  It also meant to put swag in your step.  How interesting a word evolves as now they drop the g.

Guess it takes too much time to type in that last letter lol.



Here is a collection of tags with some letters left of of a few…

Will never forget when my grand daughter was amazed that I knew all the words to this song…lol

Here are what some other Daily Prompt Writers had to say on the subject:

  1. Ilya Fostiy. Food of the Gods | Bright Moments Catcher
  2. That Literacy Slush Pile… | EW Brown
  3. Daily Prompt: Morphing [people voice] | Nadeen’s Reading Corner

Since I am such an early bird with writing my prompt check back with Michele during the day to see more prompts.

What words do you find that have changed over the years?  Would love to hear so leave me a comment.

Tammye Honey


Daily Prompt: My glass is always overflowing

Daily Prompt: The Glass

Is the glass half-full, or half-empty?


When you have love in your life not only is the glass half full as optimists would tell you, it is overflowing.

th (1)

With that thought, what could be better in life?

Here are what some other Daily Prompt Writers had to say:

  1. Daily Promot: Is the glass half full or empty? | AnxiousElephant
  2. The Glass is Full | Daily Prompt: The Glass | likereadingontrains
  3. The Bipolar Journey of my Hypothetical Glass | The Magic Black Book
  4. Daily Prompt: The Glass « Mama Bear Musings
  5. Half. | jaycee68
  6. 729: Daily Prompt: The Glass – “It is half empty” | SEVEN Hundred 50
  7. 9. Choosing a doctor: Daily Prompt | Sofie’s Diary
  8. Half and Half | das Nicht-zuhause-sein

Check back with Michelle to see if more during the day.

Have an incredible day and tell someone you care and love them.

Tammye Honey