My Daily Prompt Blog

Where I do my Daily Prompts


The Big Day Arrived

Sunday was a really big day in our home.  My hubby had turned 60 on Saturday.

He had decided to be baptised.  We also became members of our local church.1452219_10152223045671395_3784083762256285537_n 10500575_10152223045776395_1105077418240876326_n 10441946_10152223045926395_6668474144332243260_n 10377082_10203067400379045_9040410826595887509_n 10458751_10203062499016514_8189643735771160991_n 10501974_10203061794718907_6800928585933687816_n


Thank you for traveling through our day…we had a huge picnic that was a wonderful success thanks to the wonderful women from Oakwood Freewill Baptist Church and all of their help.   There was so much food that every table was full.  Special thanks to Pastor James for the Baptisim and making such a difference in my hubby’s life.  Also a special shout out to hubby’s son Christopher Green who helped in the kitchen as well as being the grill master for the day.

Tammye Green.



Writing 101, Day Eight: Cash and Carry Barn is a great find


Go to a local café, park, or public place and report on what you see. Get detailed: leave no nuance behind.

To drive past The Cash and Carry Barn which is located at 951 Lafayette Rd, Clarksville, TN 37042 it looks like a monument store.  If you have kept driving you have missed out on a huge treat.  They are so much more. (931) 503-9921 is their number to call.

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Rather than skip the adverbs I had a better idea.  Show you.  Since they are open year round they have lots of pictures on their Facebook page.

Saturday Mornings there means fresh baked goods:


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Then there is the homemade salsa, pickles, relishes, various apple butters, pie fillings and fresh baked pies.


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Did I mention the fresh vegetables.  They are open year round.  They have a great green house.

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Yes they work hard at the monuments.  Behind the scenes there is so much more… Go and see it for yourself when you are in the area.  Tell them that Tammye and Emmanuel sent you.

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Day One: Unlock the Mind



Unlocking my mind might be a dangerous thing to do.  Once this twenty-minute exercise is over we might just see how dangerous that was.
The exercise is a very basic idea of just let the ideas flow for twenty-five minutes and keep typing to see what happens.  That sounds so easy until you get going.
You find your mind suddenly going in a thousand different directions.

I sat here looking at my keyboard for inspiration and decided to rather just look at my screen and let my fingers do the talking like my cat does.  It always works for him.
Amazingly enough it does flow better.

To update my readers who have been following my blogs since late November, my hubby did go in and have the Double hernia surgery just before Christmas and was home in time to recuperate for Christmas.  Still not feeling too well we did not do much for New Year’s and just gave him a relaxation and get well time.
We had a lot of follow-up visits to different doctors which were painful for him.  He was a trooper through them all and we were able to get through them.

January 16th he had a portion of his lower lip and inner mouth removed and two weeks later we were informed that it was Stage 3 Melanoma Cancer.

Our lives totally went spinning out of control.

We had several bad snow storms and ice storms and had to reschedule appointments.  March 17th my hubby checked into a facility and began a new phase of his life.
One week later he returned home and our true lives began and we were able to start to face the possibilities that we were going to have to endure in the future.
We both began to attend the Oakwood Free Methodist Church across the street from us and my hubby began to find peace with life.
May came along and we were finally able to see the specialist at Vanderbilt Hospital in Nashville Tennessee and what a different approach this doctor had.
She marked his face and stood next to my hubby and I and listened to what he had to say.

She then told him that he only had Stage 1 squamosal Cell Cancer and that she would remove it all before he left from his next visit.

This was a true answer from prayers.

Now he has undergone three surgeries for his mouth and lip and has fully recovered from the surgeries.  You can’t tell that he even had a surgery unless he really shows you that he did.

He has been alcohol free since St. Patrick’s Day.  Life has been quite a blessing with a ton of answered prayers.  We would both like to take a moment and thank everyone who has prayed for us during our time since November and has sent us various notes of encouragement and prayer thoughts.

That was a fast twenty five minutes.  Although I did have several interruptions it still did actually flow quite easily.  I was still able to stay focused enough to stay right on topic and not go into three million directions.

Thank you for reading.

Hopefully now that my life is calming down I will also be getting back into my Cooking and Cookbook blogs as well.

Till tomorrow…..


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Home Based Business & A Roadside Stand

Home Based Business & A Roadside Stand.

via Home Based Business & A Roadside Stand.


Daily Prompt: Giving Thanks For What I Have

Daily Prompt: Keeping up with the Jones’

Tell us about the one luxury item you wish you could afford, in as much detail as you can.
Paint a picture for us.

Photographers, artists, poets: show us COVET.



I am really happy with what we have.
I can not think of anything that I would covet that someone else has.
We are semi healthy for our age.
We have two healthy dogs and a cat.
We are happily married now for almost 5 years.

We own our home (Have a mortgage but who doesn’t these days?)
We live in the country but are not far from the city.
We live in a wonderful neighborhood

We have a lot of comfort features in life.
(Dishwasher, Microwave, Washer, Dryer, Big Screen TV, Internet, Computers, WiFi, etc)
We work our businesses from our home and in our jammies most of the time.
We are blessed with healthy children and many grandchildren.
We have several wonderful kind friends.
We have heat, running water and food in fridge and freezer as well as the pantry.
We have clothes in our closet.

What would we want that we could add to that?  More Money?
Perhaps that would be nice.  Then we could pay off our Mortgage early.
The payments are made each month so we are happy.

I ask my readers, what would you want that you do not have?

Enlighten me please with a comment…

Be careful what you wish for…

Here are what some other Daily Prompt Writers had to say about the subject today…

  1. ermahgerhd | Afford a Vacation
  2. Covet Thy Love | The Magic Black Book
  3. Covet | Insanitree
  4. Daily Prompt: NOT Keeping up with the Jones’ but the birds & fishes | littlegirlstory
  5. Tall Summer Dreams | Blue Loft
  6. Fairy Dust | alienorajt
  7. Thy Shall Not Covert | Dear Yolandi
  8. Covet Artistically | Abstract Organized Chaos
  9. A Horse, Of Course | A Sign Of Life
  10. To be loved-Biggest luxury | મન ની વાત
  11. I have what I need, and that’s fine by me really. Want is too expensive anyway… | thoughtsofrkh
  12. Daily Prompt: Keeping up with the Jones’ | Under the Monkey Tree
 Have a safe and blessed day…it is Black Friday so it is a jungle out there…

Tammye Honey


Daily Prompt: Out Of Place In This Land Of Confusion

Daily Prompt: Land of Confusion

Tell us about a time when you felt out of place.

Photographers, artists, poets: show us CONFUSION.

Prayers to all of the people who were hit by the Tornados this weekend

You never know how precious life is until devistation hits.
The whirlwind of confusion of how to help or what to do.

Be safe, Be prepared and hug those around you.
Today they may aggrivate you and tomorrow they may be gone.

Love one another and try to help where you can.

Tammye Honey


Daily Prompt: Evil In The World Today

Daily Prompt: Wicked Witch

Write about evil: how you understand it (or don’t),
what you think it means, or a way it’s manifested,
either in the world at large or in your life.

Photographers, artists, poets: show us EVIL.

My daughter shared a video that she is covering with her class this coming week.  I think that video says it all.

What can we do to delete the negative energy in our lives.
If we share positive energy with others it becomes contagious.

Here are what other Daily Prompt Writers had to say:

  1. Ego | Bright Moments Catcher
  2. My.Vivid.Visions | Daily Prompt: Wicked Witch – It’s Me!!!
  3. DP : Evil | Experimental Fiction
  4. Daily Prompt: Wicked Witch | Awl and Scribe
  5. Daily Prompt: Wicked Witch | Bizzimummy’s World
  6. Frosty Friday | Purple Rosemary
  7. Cruella Deville [Daily Prompt: Wicked Witch] | unknowinglee
  8. Daily Prompt: Wicked Witch | Under the Monkey Tree
  9. A Lesson In Good And Evil | The Jittery Goat
  10. Wicked Witch | Braised Pork on Rice
  11. Daily Prompt: Wicked WItch | WilderThing

Share love not hate.  It begins with you.

Tammye Honey


Daily Prompt: The meaning of love

stop by and see us

What does love mean to you?

by Scott Berkun on August 5, 2011

Topic #210:

What does love mean to you?
We talk about love all the time, but rarely do we sit down and think about what it is.
How our behavior helps us get more or less of the kind of love we desire.

How does platonic love differ from romantic love?
How does the love we get from a parent differ from the love we get from a friend?
Or a dog?
Is love a feeling or a set of behaviors?

This topic suggested by Timmer at Timmer’s blog.

There are so many forms of love.
Truly love should be unconditional no matter who or what it is directed to.


Animals love unconditionally no matter who their owner is.


They do not distinguish between gender or species, or race.



They set an example for all of the humans.



There are a lot more variations of love though:

picks from lexar 693

The love of Birds

Rather than reach under a cupboard

The Love of Cooking

CIMG0114The Love of Food

002 (3)The Love of Nature

Emmylou Harris and me on stage at the Grand Ole Opry

The Love of Music


The Love of Your Country


The Love of a great tub bath

007 (2)

The Love of Great Friends

our pic.jpg

The love of a spouse



Your Home

Child Praying

Love of Religion


The Love of a child and family

I have explored just a few relationships that require love that is or should be unconditional.

Would love to hear your thoughts on this subject so leave a comment.

Here are what other Daily Prompt Writers had to say:

Hope your day is filled with love and happiness

Tammye Honey


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Daily Prompt: The People Around Me Are My Mentors

Daily Prompt: Cheering Section

Do you have a mentor?
Tell us about him or her.
Are you a mentor to someone else?
Tell us what that relationship has added to your life.

Photographers, artists, poets: show us SUPPORT.


This was a prompt that for some reason took a lot of thought for me.
I wrote about another topic on the day that it came out and just gave it time to slowly stew in my brain.
Even thought it is an interesting topic, it crosses a personal line where I might have to name a few individuals.

Since I do not like to pinpoint any one person (except my hubby, on occasion) I was hesitant to begin.
During the course of time that I have had to think about it, I have come to realize that the people that I come into contact with are my mentors.

I sit and listen to what they have to say.
I listen in a way that does not require a response.
That took me a long time to learn to do.
I have found that by doing that, I do learn from them various topics that I might never have known.

There are times when I am tempted to give a response, yet I refrain and wait.
By doing this, I have found that I learn so much more about that person and what makes them tick.

I then have the ability to ask questions about them.  I am able to clarify what I did not comprehend.
To be able to truly learn from another will make us stronger as an individual.  It helps us to nurish our relationships.

To really hear what someone has to say and not be biased is sometimes very difficult.
To allow them to have that moment to speak and feel that what they have to say is truly important does make a difference.
The other persons opinion might not be on the same track as mine, however their right to sound their thoughts and see the drive that has brought them to where their conviction is makes it worthwhile.

Conflict in life is not necessary.  Life is precious.  Life is so short.  We can all be gone in an instant.

Sometimes it is better to just stay in a peace mode and “Let It Be”

If it really will not make a difference ten years from now, is it worth getting upset about today?
Some of the conflicts in relationships could be easier if that policy were developed.
If we really listen to what the other person feels and not what is coming out of their mouth, we will begin to feel their passion and drive also.

Life is a mystery, make it feel like home.

Tammye Honey

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Daily Prompt: How much info is too much?

Should You Let the Cats Out of the Bag? Blogging About Family and Friends


Here are a few suggestions that the Daily Prompt gave to use before you put yourself and your family out there into public viewing.  It may not be what you say but what someone else shares and comments on after that actually does the damage to the family relationship.

  • What if it were me? If you were reading your closest friend’s blog and saw a similar story about you — perhaps something you hadn’t shared with others yet — how would you feel? (What’s that; your closest friend doesn’t have a blog? Why not?)
  • If I were telling this story to a group of people, would I share these details? Picture the real-life equivalent of your blog readers: you’re at a party talking to a group of people, some you know well, some less so, some not at all. You’re telling the story. Are you okay with those to whom you’re less connected hearing it?
  • Am I talking about children? My children? They’re not in the same position to assert themselves and ask not to be mentioned; that goes double for other people’s children.
  • You’re browsing Facebook and see that someone’s shared the post with less-than-positive commentary; how do you feel? Do any protective instincts kick in? Blogging isn’t just about what you share, but how others run with that. Are you comfortable if someone takes the story and sprints in the other direction?
  • If a prospective employer or partner found the story, would reading it hurt your friend’s chances? This is unlikely, especially since you’re probably not using your friend’s full name with loads of identifying details; the underlying question is whether the story puts your loved one in any kind of compromised position. Whether or not they’re identifiable, it’s probably not ideal.

Lots of stories are fine to tell — the hilarious story about the UPS mixup your cousin told you at Thanksgiving probably doesn’t impact anyone, except maybe the UPS man. In other cases, it’s worth thinking through the what-ifs.

These ideas really sounded like a great foundation to keep peace and with the Holidays coming up and silly things possibly happening around the table perhaps this will stop a war in 2014.

If you are not sure if it will not keep peace in the family, here is my advice to you…

Some things in life are worth biting your lip and keeping it zipped.  Unconventional love does not always mean what we think.

Would love to hear your thoughts on this matter….leave me a comment and let me know what you think about this subject…

Do you agree or do you feel differently and why?

I am listening…

Tammye Honey