My Daily Prompt Blog

Where I do my Daily Prompts

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Going Back In Time

Where shall I start?  Perhaps the first photo that hubby’s children saw of me announcing our recent marriage would be a great place.

Tammye's Expecting Due in July...


Imagine their surprise when they actually met me…

Let’s add our imaginary dog Pooky:

these_funny_animals_658_640_15 pooky12 pooky99



Add a pinch of honeymoon in Afghanistan to the point where you have to take friends there to show them you really did not go…

Stir in Magazine Covers that you were never really on:



Multiply by a ton of videos that made no sense:

So that is married life…

Is it funny?
That is for my readers to decide.

Here are what other Daily Prompt Writers found funny:

  1. The Post Where I Explain Humor, Life, the Universe and Everything | She’s a Maineiac
  2. Five Routine Minutes: There Ain’t Room For Two Enfants Terrible On This Blog. One Of Us Better Leave. | Blurt
  3. Funny stuff « Fear No Weebles

Tammye Honey


Daily Prompt: Taking A Vacation

Daily Prompt: Tourist Trap

What’s your dream tourist destination — either a place you’ve been and loved, or a place you’d love to visit?

I don’t like big crowds so that really rules out a lot of places.  I love to take day trips.

Yes She’s a Yankee from New York and I’m a Rebel from Tennessee. 034 (4) 034 (2) world Emmylou Harris and me on stage at the Grand Ole Opry 005 010 (4) 016 002Nashville is great to take day trips and still not see everything

What about it speaks to you?

There is so much to see and so much history there and history in the making.  Nashville Tennessee is a great place to visit for us.

We can take in a concert or just see the street musicians and see the historical beauty.  Only being one hour from home.

The trip is inexpensive and fits well in our budget.  We do not break the bank to do it.  Every trip is different.

Photographers, artists, poets: show us VACATION.

Here are what other Daily Prompt Writers had to say (Since it is so early Check back with Michele during the day for updates.

  1. Daily Prompt: Tourist Trap | The Blogging Path
  2. 3|6 Daily Prompt: Tourist Trap | family photos food & craft
  3. Meteora, Greece | Daily Prompt: Tourist Trap | likereadingontrains
  4. Tourist Trap | Nanuschka’s Blog
  5. I want to go! | Hope* the happy hugger
  6. Daily Prompt: Tourist Trap « Mama Bear Musings
  7. Oh Dear! Trap Me Here! | Bullets and Hearts
  8. Far, Far Away, In A Town By The Sea | Self-Help for Creatively Deprived
  9. The Treasure In Owl’s Head, Maine | The Jittery Goat
  10. Oh the places I want to go… | Geek Ergo Sum
  11. Daily Prompt: Tourist Trap | بيسان
  12. The Sunshine State | Daily Prompt: Tourist Trap | Words From The Desk Of An Insomniac
  13. for christopher while sleeping | charlottesville winter
  14. Iceland | Bubonicboon

Would love to hear what your favorite Vacation ideas are.  Leave me a comment and let me know.

Tammye Honey

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Road Trip A-Z Challenge, Day 17 Tomorrow (Took a detour)

Post A-to-Z Road Trip [2013]


Between our store for Tupperware and answering phone calls for MikeFest 2013, we have been super busy today.  We are on our own type of road trip on a quest of trying to track down the last few vendors to make our total arrive at 30 on premises Vendors who will be at this years event.

We are inquiring about fresh honey vendors in our local area who might want a booth.  There is an entire association in our area so we are hoping for a response before we become full.

We are still looking for an Avon representative (Hoping that we have found one).

We are looking for someone who hand makes Americana Items.

We are down to the wire now with June 8th starting into the count down..





Will continue the A-Z Challenge Road Trip tomorrow…

Sorry about the detour today.

Sorry for


Road Trip A-Z Challenge Lucky Day 13

Post A-to-Z Road Trip [2013]

I certainly hope that some of my readers are not superstitious as I would hate to lose you for a day just due to a number.

Let’s crank up the radio with an appropriate song and start our journey then:

Since our trip is based on comments and my feed back lately, let me check to see where we are going to be starting our trip. What an appropriate stop indeed.  Everything from music to cartoons here for our morning entertainment.

Our next stop is a bit of reading material for the passengers since the driver should only do that … lots of great reading material here.

Now that you are content with reading material we are off to a new destination:  This one is such a hot site we may have to stop for refreshments while reading since this one has been featured on Freshly Pressed. You will have to see for yourself why as it is so hot…it will make my pages sizzle if I let out the secret.

One of the fun things to do is meet travelers while you are traveling.  With that said lets meet: She seems to do a daily travel through life.  Not giving it away…go see…

Since 13 is not supposed to be a lucky number I am going to make this a short day and stop with the next blogger who should keep you quite entertained for the rest of the day with everything that he does… You really never know what you are going to find when you go into the reader in the morning and see his posts.  I will say he is versatile in his style and bold and daring.  the rest you can see for yourself.

Until tomorrow I leave you with a song, Please pardon the language as I did not say it.  I thought I would go with a younger version

For you younger readers I will give you the original song also that proves my children are right (even though this is before my time) I am older than dirt.

Tammye Honey

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Road Trip A-Z Challenge Day 7 Part III

Post A-to-Z Road Trip [2013]


This road trip is a little different today.  Since I received a 3 in 1 Award from

I am a free spirit, born 20 years too late. With a huge love for all things Latin, I think I might have been / should be Spanish! I live in a constant state of gratitude and seek to find something beautiful in every day. I live to inspire and help. Hopefully I will be able to make a small difference somewhere. My motto, there is always something to be grateful for!

The nominees will be my road trip:

There are fifteen nominees:



    Hmm, where to begin. If I had my choice, I would definitely choose “living to eat.” I’ve grown to believe that “living to eat” and “eating to live” are not mutually exclusive. In everything, there’s a balance. This blog is primarily about that journey. As in many journeys, there will be detours. But that’s part of it.

    I’m The Mouse and I like to cook. Sometimes more than actually eating (but not by much). I rarely use recipes and often make things up as I go along. Part of this blog is to try and document what I cooked so I can cook it again. I’ll try to be as detailed as I can (key word “try). Don’t expect too much details. If you want more information, leave a comment, I’ll get back to you.

    The Cat is the chief taster in the family. If the dish passes her, it’s good. If it doesn’t, oh well.

    We also like to eat out, and eating out provides inspiration for me to try it at home, but with The Mouse’s spin on it.

    For now, about us, let’s just say Living, loving, eating, tasting, cooking, and sharing …

    Peace out.

    The Mouse




    I’m a retired factory worker living now in Boise, Idaho.

    In the fifth grade (second time around) I wrote a poem as a class assignment. The poem was read to the class and I remember one part of it quite well:

    “Instead of spelling and reducing my fractions                                                                                                                                                                                                                         I’m entertaining the class with all my actions                                                                                                                                                                                                                           That’s why I’m placed in this class’s rear                                                                                                                                                                                                                                What some learned in one will take me another year.”

    The class and teacher laughed and a powerful lesson was learned: Writing influences people‘s thought and emotions.

    In the tenth grade I wrote a short story that was passed to friends. They found it amusing and entertaining. For all my life I have written only for myself sharing with only friends and family, like a painter who paints only for themselves because of its personal enjoyment.

    Now being retired I’m sharing the stories that have rattled around in my head for years.

    What Is The Jittery Goat All About?

    The Jittery Goat went online in December of 2008. Something new is added once or twice a week. I’ve never had writer’s block – come close. I’m always searching for a topic that’s on people’s minds and that can be written humorously. That’s a challenge.

    I’m from the generation that stared at test patterns on the TV, first plastered the a transistor radio to their ear, served in an unwanted and unpopular war, saw a President assassinated, one resign, one that should have, saw men step on the moon, and people blow-up in the sky trying to go to space. I have lived though IMAX, Iphones, Ipads, and now living through I forgot, I don’t know, and I don’t care. I find myself most comfortable with people who are skeptical and cynical, but not to the degree of being downright negative or depressing. In other words they see or want to see the silver lining, but they are constantly aware of the dark cloud and are certain of its potential.

    The Need For Redemption Is Instinctive

    What is read early influences one throughout life.  The first book that I read that deeply impressed me (8th grade) was To Kill a Mockingbird. Atticus Finch was a man born of principle. He did the right thing because to him it was the only thing to do. The book Billy Budd followed.  It left me thinking for weeks. The outcry of Billy Budd prior to his hanging impressed upon me the need to always be forgiving. “God bless you Captain Vere!” was Billy Budd’s cry to the captain responsible for his execution just before hung. Of course, Melville likely barrowed it from Jesus’ execution, “Forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

    In my early twenties I became more interested in the Bible, not as literature or a collection of lessons taught by narratives, but as God’s inspired message to man.  It has been the Bible that gives redemption and forgiveness context, reason, and form for the Billy Budd-like declaration. We do it because God forgives. It is good and healthy for us emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

    Life is an unending chain of events of wrongs to us and as we have likewise done to others. Forgiveness is the only thing that makes sense. It gives depth and background for the Finch-like character I read about. Animals don’t retaliate for harm done to them, because they forget. Humans remember. Forgiveness is what prevents retaliation. It seems it is a quality that is unique in creation to humans.

    Redemption seems, in some ways, an underlying thread in my writing. If not outright expressed it is often the reflex that pushes the key that forms the word that makes the story.

    The desire to make things right when we offend is universal as is the need to extend forgiveness. It comes natural. We can’t live without it or the hope it produces.

So that is all I can fit for part III…it has taken me all day just to try and get this to publish…

Tammye Honey

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Day Three on My A-Z Road Trip

Post A-to-Z Road Trip [2013]

One of my usual favorites is so I am not counting it as part of my journey.  I am mentioning it as she is part of the Road Trip and always interesting.  here is a little blurb about them:


I actually don’t enjoy writing that much! For some reason I’ve always had to do it though, so I shall somewhat reluctantly endure the inevitable role I must play in this. Megan is much better at it than I am – but she’s too busy writing stories.
For the A-Z we are both contributing to posts. All clip art used is free through Microsoft Office, and the photos used are our own.

Check out some of their works.

Since my program is not on yet I felt up to doing a little extra driving through blogger highway tonight so I spotted another new blog site to check out as well…

About Me

My Photo

Ohio, United States
Happily married for lots of years to great guy, mother of one wonderful daughter. I have lots of interests and wished I had more time to explore them all.

This one you have to check for yourself and if you love cats, you are going to love her…

So today, I was really feeling energetic and met several new sites.  I had fun in my travels to new places and I hope that you also enjoyed the tour.

Tomorrow we will explore more on our journey across the road trip of A-Z challenge.  This has been fun and hope that you pack a snack and sit back and enjoy.

Tammye Honey



Daily Prompt: Speaking to High School Alma Mater

Daily Prompt: Alma Mater

You’ve been asked to speak at your high school alma mater — about the path of life. (Whoa.) Draft the speech.

Since my graduation class was so large, this is a far cry from my being the “Chosen One” to be doing this speech.  I did not come into Herkimer Senior High School in Herkimer New York until my Tenth year.  I did participate in sports.  However, the wind had been cut from my sails and I did not have the drive that I had in my previous high school where I was active in sports, chorus, the theater and other groups.

I had been pulled in the middle of my tenth year.  I landed in the hospital for three months for an exploratory surgery that went bad.  I had a stomach pump and two IV’s which I dragged along in the hospital corridors for exercise.  I had a tutor to try and keep my school work up till I returned after Spring break.

I was not out to win any popularity contests.  I was simply there to finish out my few years and get into college.  Something that was put on hold for me till my two daughters were much older and I was divorced.

My words of advice.  Do not put your dreams on hold.

creative thought1

Follow your dreams but be sure that they are realistic and are true to yourself.  Do not try and do something that is going to come back and make you shoot yourself in the foot later.

I appreciate having waited to go to college later in life.  Yes I was older in my class.  So was everyone else in my early morning classes.  I was able to get good grades and was able to get a good job on campus as a tutor to help supplement my costs of college.

Appreciate your skills and do not be afraid to think outside of the box for what you want in life.

Go after your dreams.  They are not going to come knocking at your door and come looking for you.

What would you say to your alma mater if you had the chance?

Would love to hear…

Here are what some of the early bird daily prompt writers had to say on the subject:

  1. Daily Prompt: Alma Mater « Mama Bear Musings
  2. The path of life | Taking time, making time

Tammye Honey


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The Letter A

A2Z-2013-BADGE-001Small_zps669396f9 th

So here comes the fun and thanks to You Tube:

This was just a few…so who did you think of that should have been on this list….leave me a comment with a video…and add to my list…

Thank you

Tammye Honey

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Knowing The Weather

Not certain if it is my age, my previous surgeries on my back or fibromialgia.  At 4:30 AM the pain was incredible from head to toe anywhere that there was pressure against the bed.  Through out the morning I simply paced and by 7:15 when it was supposed to start to get bright and sunny…

sunny day

It became darker than night with a down pour as if in the shower with thunder and lightening which made me grateful that I was not in the shower…

Thunder and lightening

Having made my coffee early in anticipation, I sat by patiently with flashlight by my side.  Knowing that a power outage would soon be near.  This was the saga of our day with bouts of bright sunshine and humidity between with the warm glowing rays…

Then the cooling rain and monsterous crashes…that sent birds quickly flying and my cats making wild dashes….

Now it is night so peaceful and calm…not a sound to be heard not even the mocking bird…

Even the birds of prey have had a tiring day ….so good night and sweet dreams I do say to you…

Should I awake again before dawn…I will again blog…the coffee will be on…

Just drop in and chat…or jot me a line…to hear from you all would be oh so fine…


Fly to your dreams


Tammye Honey