My Daily Prompt Blog

Where I do my Daily Prompts

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Revival Week At Oakwood Free Will Baptist Church End Times /Rapture

Revival Week At Our Church

Guest Speaker Brother Cecil Boswell

Friendship Free Will Baptist Church in Ashland City TN

Speaking At Oakwood Free Will Baptist Church, Oakwood TN

Brother Cecil worked as a Mechanical Engineer For the U.S. Navy.

He uses scripture along with mathematics to explain The Rapture of Revelations.

Thank You For Viewing

Hope that you have learned as much as we have.

Tammye Honey

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Today is Boob Pancake Day

Yes we make jokes about our Mammograms and they actually used to feel like the garage door had closed down on them.  Now it is a must have yearly if you really would like to be a woman who cares about your body.  I am heading to get my yearly mammogram and yes I blog about it to remind women around the world to schedule theirs.  It might just save your life.

I schedule my GYN exam and my yearly physical within the same week of each other each year so that I do not forget.  Then I schedule my Mammogram at my yearly physical to get my referral.  That way once a year my body has been through the microscope and I am finished and do not have to worry for another year.

May 2011 Cancer Again

Have you made your appointment?  Get on the phone.  It may save your life.


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Just when life seems crazy…It gets crazier

So my rash cleared up thanks to a shot and 14 days of antibiotic.  Within a few days it was back and stronger yet.
Luckily I had a scheduled follow up visit with the doctor any ways so I dragged my body in there yesterday.
Trust me, I would have rather have stayed in bed.  Every joint in my body aches.  The change in weather has not helped.

Our visit was quite interesting as she sat and listened and saw the rash again, noticed that I still had difficulty breathing.
We discussed the blood test that had been drawn for my pre allergy test.  I found it odd that it suddenly showed that I was
now allergic to beef, pork and milk…on a severe level.  As she put it guess what they are fed…corn…so she felt that it was
not odd at all.

I am now in the process of being tested for a problem called Alpha Gal.
According to  :


Lone Star Tick

Galactose-alpha-1,3-galactose, or Alpha-Gal for short, is a delayed allergy to mammal meat affecting a growing number of the population. This allergy is initially caused by a tick bite. Since the reaction to eating mammal meat is delayed by several hours, the proper diagnosis is often missed or misdiagnosed. People who are afflicted with the Alpha-Gal allergy have to be constantly vigilant about the ingredients they consume, because an allergic reaction can be severe and life-threatening.
By getting the attention of the food service industry, particularly in schools, colleges and universities, and restaurants, sufferers will get relief.  Adding beef broth to soup and calling it vegetable soup or adding bacon drippings to gravy can be life-threatening to people with the Alpha-Gal allergy. By including Alpha-Gal allergy information on menus or even more specifically, having ingredient lists available upon request, the constant worry will be eliminated from eating out.


AGAA will strive to empower those with this allergy. Living with the Alpha-Gal allergy can be quite stressful, because many activities are planned around food, and it is often almost impossible to know the ingredients in many dishes. This problem can render a simple meal into an anxiety-provoking situation for people with the allergy, because they are very aware of the possibility they could be unknowingly ingesting food that contains an undisclosed allergen. By getting attention for this allergy, it is AGAA’s hope that those affected will be better able to cope with this allergy, due to others’ increased awareness and subsequent conscientiousness regarding food preparation.

Mission Statement

Enlighten. Empower. Eradicate.

The mission of Alpha-Gal Allergy Awareness team is to promote health and ultimately, save the lives of those afflicted with the Alpha-Gal allergy through increased allergy awareness.

Awareness Disclaimer

The materials and information on this page, along with any articles or other links, are for informational and educational purposes, intended to promote awareness and are not, nor intended to constitute or replace, medical or other health science advice or treatment. Alpha-Gal Allergy wareness strives for the information on the page to be accurate, but much of the information is opinion of others, including information contained in articles, so AGAA disclaims any warranty of any kind, whether express or implied, as to any matter whatsoever relating to this site.  In no event shall AGAA be liable for any indirect, special, incidental, general or consequential damages arising out of any use of or reliance on any content of this website. This is strictly an awareness site and no connection to the medical field is present.

I am now on an antibiotic for the next fourteen days and I had to get another shot.  Now I have to go for a series of blood tests and see an allergist.

Perhaps after this I will begin to feel a little better and my body will begin to stop aching.  Guess I will never be able to enjoy red meat or pork or dairy again.

There goes my bacon cheeseburgers.  Needless to say I have a big pot of homemade chicken noodle soup cooking.  My biggest fear is what did they feed the chicken.

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Home Based Business & A Roadside Stand

Home Based Business & A Roadside Stand.

via Home Based Business & A Roadside Stand.

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While Waiting at the Doctor’s Appointments

I am not a person who can just sit idle in a doctor’s office without getting antsy.
I love to take my crocheting with me so that I have something to keep me busy and keep my mind off of why we are there.
I have found that it keeps me focused and makes the time go by so much faster.

We had several weeks of  back to back appointments so here is my creations.

My inspiration was the scarf that Mikey had as a challenge at  The Crochet Crowd.



A hat to keep my head warm.  Fingerless Gloves with a hat of their own lol.  The shimmering heart scarf.

Some of my projects that I am working on are just too large to transport so I have to find little things to fill the void.

With my Kindle Fire I can download my pattern and take it with me.
I have also picked up many new prospective students too, who want to learn to do what I am making.

Let me know how I am doing so far…would love to hear from you.

What is your latest project?  Share it with me please.

Tammye Honey


Daily Prompt: Evil In The World Today

Daily Prompt: Wicked Witch

Write about evil: how you understand it (or don’t),
what you think it means, or a way it’s manifested,
either in the world at large or in your life.

Photographers, artists, poets: show us EVIL.

My daughter shared a video that she is covering with her class this coming week.  I think that video says it all.

What can we do to delete the negative energy in our lives.
If we share positive energy with others it becomes contagious.

Here are what other Daily Prompt Writers had to say:

  1. Ego | Bright Moments Catcher
  2. My.Vivid.Visions | Daily Prompt: Wicked Witch – It’s Me!!!
  3. DP : Evil | Experimental Fiction
  4. Daily Prompt: Wicked Witch | Awl and Scribe
  5. Daily Prompt: Wicked Witch | Bizzimummy’s World
  6. Frosty Friday | Purple Rosemary
  7. Cruella Deville [Daily Prompt: Wicked Witch] | unknowinglee
  8. Daily Prompt: Wicked Witch | Under the Monkey Tree
  9. A Lesson In Good And Evil | The Jittery Goat
  10. Wicked Witch | Braised Pork on Rice
  11. Daily Prompt: Wicked WItch | WilderThing

Share love not hate.  It begins with you.

Tammye Honey

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Weekly Writing Challenge: Dear TammyeHoney


Weekly Writing Challenge: Dear ____________________

by Erica on October 28, 2013

To participate, tag your post with DPchallenge and include a link to this post, to generate a pingback and help others find the challenges. Please make sure your post has been specifically written in response to this challenge. We’ll highlight some of our favorites on Freshly Pressed on Friday, and in our monthly newsletter.

For this week’s writing challenge, channel your inner Abigail Von Buren. Experiment with the question and answer format. Taking inspiration from a question you’ve been asked recently, whether in conversation with a friend or sent in from a reader, don your best counselor hat and share your expertise.

Not up for kickstarting your career as an advice columnist? We’ve got a few more ways to help get you involved with this week’s focus on advice.

  • What’s the best, or worst, piece of advice you’ve ever gotten?
  • You’re the most important writer in the world, and everyone will be tuning in to your blog to listen to the one bit of knowledge you most want to share. What is it?
  • Do you live by the advice you give? Sure, it’s easy to dish out opinions, but are you a pillar of your own beliefs?

I give lessons on Cooking, Crocheting, Sewing and Knitting on a regular basis.  I do not feel this is classified as advice.  It is simply someone who has worked the problem successfully at a prior time who is able to lend a helping hand to someone who has never walked that mile yet.

Helping a friend who is a new mother and is nursing her first baby my advice is very simple.  The baby will let you know when things are not quite right.  If things are flowing in a set pattern and routine then life is good.  The plumber never puts in new pipes if there is not a problem.

If a problem is not going to make a difference a year from now, perhaps it does not need to be a top priority on the list.  A lot of problems have a way of working themselves out on their own without doing anything but praying for the correct way for God’s will to be done.  I always to suggest to pray for three days on the same subject before making a decision.  This gives a person time to think with a clearer head and thought patterns.

Just thinking before you speak as to how it will have an effect on others will sometimes change the wording that would have otherwise been blurted out.

Remembering others and that they have feelings that can get hurt.  To never speak when angry and to bite the tongue if it is going to be a cruel comment will save on an embarasing moment later on.

What questions as my reader would you like to see answered here?

Submit your questions and I will be glad to honestly answer them for you.  (Or find a great source for your answer)

TammyeHoney’s Advice column is now open to her readers.

Bring on the questions….

I am ready and waiting..

Tammye Honey



A Call From My Hubby’s Nephew

My hubby has a special nephew.
He can be a bit overwhelming at times.
He is now in his thirties.  He lives with his mom and grandparents.
My hubby says that I am funny when I deal with him.
I insist that he uses respect.
His family says that he can’t remember from day to day.
I disagree.
It is funny that he can now remember that when I answer the phone, the only way he can speak with his uncle is to call him by Uncle, not his first name.
When I answer, he knows that if he does not, he will not talk to him.

Today he called with the request for me to look up a word and give him the definition.
The word was does.
Forty five minutes later, I hung up the telephone knowing that he finally understood the meaning.

clock ticking

I took the time with him, using the word in sentences.
I also got across the point of various tenses, pronouns and verbs associated that were confusing him.
I did not have to do this.
I could have just hung up the phone after I told him his uncle was sleeping.


It did not take away from my day at all to spend the 45 minutes with him.
He was happy when he hung up.
He was no longer aggrivated like he had been when he first called.
I never asked why he needed to know.
I decided that the can of worms that had brought on the frustration just needed to be calmed.

By his being satisfied with the answer, his day will now be better.
He will have a calmer day.

smiley face
In turn, so will the others who live with him.
Why this could not have been done on his end remains a mystery.

critical eye
Perhaps a dictionary for Christmas will be a nice gift.





Sometimes all a person needs in life is to know that somewhere they have a friend who will listen…

Thank you for reading,

Tammye Honey


Daily Prompt: Hello Book It Has Been A While

Daily Prompt: Bookworm

Tell us about the last book you read (Why did you choose it? Would you recommend it?).

To go further, write a post based on its subject matter.

Photographers, artists, poets: show us WORDS.

I have had two books sitting on my shelf that I have been reading.  For some reason, reading does not come as easy to me now that I am older as it did in my youth.

Not counting my Kindle subscription for

Crochet Today! Magazine

I read that every month when it comes out as I have students who need new patterns. I also did not include all my cookbooks as they are reference books.

The most intriguiging book that I actually did audio was debated when I was in college and I was in the Literary Guild.  I was on the panel and due to the book being auditory I picked up a lot that the basic reader on the panel did not.

Product Details

The audio version was more indepth and you could feel what the author was getting across by the tones of the voices.  I do not kiss and tell so you are on your own to find out details.  I am not the person who sits in the room and tells you the ending of the movie before it is over.

My next purchase is to get the two hard cover books on audio.  I seem to actually get through books much better that way.  Since my kindle died due to being plugged into the wrong outlet, I have to decide what new one I want to get.  That will start me on my way to my audio adventure.

Here are what other Daily Prompt Writer’s had to say on this Father’s Day (Happy Fathers Day to even the single moms).

  1. The Radical Practice of Loving Everyone | Katherine’s Daughter
  2. Reading The Silmarillion a second, third, fourth time around | Geek Ergo Sum
  3. The Name of the Rose | Daily Prompt: Bookworm | likereadingontrains
  4. Daily Prompt – Bookworm | GlitterFlutterby
  5. Daily Prompt: Bookworm – show us WORDS. | masadiso79’s Blog
  6. Daily Prompt: Words | بيسان
  7. Daily Prompt: Bookworm « Mama Bear Musings
  8. Matthew Vett’s Development Blog
  9. The Golden Notebook, Not My Cup Of Tea On A Rainy Afternoon | Brush Strokes And Scribbled Thoughts
  10. “North by Northwestern;” Reality Without The Drama | The Jittery Goat
  11. Daily Prompt: Bookworm | Reveries of Forevers
  12. The Clean (Book)Plate Club | Spirit Lights The Way
  13. Daily Prompt: Bookworm | suzie81’s Blog
  14. Daily Prompt: Bookworm — Where books live … | SERENDIPITY
  15. Bargain Books Aren’t Always A Bargain | Spirit Lights The Way
  16. 13 Books That Changed My Life | Spirit Lights The Way
  17. The Forty Rules of Love – Daily Prompt – WORDS | The be-all and end-all
  18. reading Jest: David Foster Wallace & me | poetlandia
  19. City of Women | What?????
  20. In The Middle of A Casual Vacancy « Fly for Icarus
  21. Daily Prompt: Bookworm // 365 Day 141 | AmiLoo’s Photography
  22. Daily Prompt: Bookworm | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss
  23. Connection matter | Phelio a Random Post a Day
  24. Daily Prompts; Bookworm | terry1954
  25. “Inferno” – Dan Brown | windandlaughter
  26. What are words without pictures? | The Nameless One
  27. Daily Prompt: Bookworm | Edge of the Forest
  28. Daily Prompt: Bookworm | Completely Disappear
  29. Stop the Human Trafficking! | The Rider
  30. Daily Post: Book About a Couple of Chapters Missing From the Bible | Iam Who Iam
  31. “Wedding Night,” Sisterly Love, and Purple Sneakers | Nerd.Laugh.Love
  32. Daily Prompt: Words | Books, Music and Movies : my best friends
  33. Quiet… | Hope* the happy hugger
  34. The last book I read | Cultural Life
  35. Insanity! | Nanuschka’s Blog

What is your book that you are currently reading?   Do you have one you are struggling through?  Let me hear about it.

the tub sit and read


Happy Reading

Tammye Honey



Daily Prompt: A Life In Review

Daily Prompt: Four Stars

Write a review of your life — or the life of someone close to you — as if it were a movie or a book.

Photographers, artists, poets: show us LIFE.



Our story opens in a small town outside of Buffalo NY.  It is hard times.  Life is not easy in the 50’s,  a couple with seven children.

Working in the Bethlehem Steel Mill is the job that is available.  It is a hard dirty job.  Luckily it is a job and puts food on the table.





As the family grows so do the bonds between each of the family members.



Being the baby of the family, at eighteen he goes off to war to do three tours.  He meets a gal from New York State and starts a family of his own.



They go through good times and bad times.  The children grow up and start families of their own.

He becomes divorced.



He is a unique person.  Some days in a world of his own.  He decides to become married again and start a different life.

Some of the old life still creeps in and haunts him.



He tries hard to cope with it from day to day.



Just like his gnome…he travels through life with each day being a new adventure.  Coping with the past, yet looking forward to what tomorrow will bring.

This is Eman, my hubby.  A life in review.  So many pages undisclosed.  A mystery to my readers.  A must see the movie or read the book to get the juicy details.


Here are what other Daily Prompt Writers had to say on the subject:

  1. Forbidden… but allowed on a case-by-case basis |
  2. 7-Day Music Blogging Challenge | Ramisa the Authoress
  3. A review : The Life of Me | Geek Ergo Sum
  4. My Five Star Review [Daily Prompt: Four Stars] | unknowinglee
  5. For a Song | Lewis Cave
  6. A Day with the Seven Year Old Nephew | Daily Prompt: Four Stars | likereadingontrains
  7. Daily Prompt: Four Stars « Mama Bear Musings
  8. orange robes flying on a tuesday | charlottesville winter
  9. Invisible Fences, Make Good Neighbors | That Girl Ryan
  10. Daily Prompt: Four Stars | Basically Beyond Basic
  11. A Summer with Kenton Lewis: A Review of His Book | The Jittery Goat
  12. Life Unexamined | Tony’s Texts
  13. Rescued and Changed | Prayers and Promises
  14. 153. Life. Daily Prompt | Sofie’s Diary
  15. Book (P)review… | Haiku By Ku
  16. Daily Prompt: Four Stars | iChristian
  17. Daily Prompt: Four Stars | The Blogging Path
  18. Adventures of Narcolepsy Boy and Wolf Girl | It’s a wonderful F’N life
  19. My life as a movie | Random Encounters of an Inquisitive Mind
  20. An unfinished storie | Vivir, que no es poco
  21. On the edge of two eternities | I Didn’t Just Wake Up This Morning with a Craving
  22. Daily Prompt: life | simplylifestuff
  23. Daily Prompt: Four Stars | The Educated Illiterates
  24. Something a few times, & we expect it to be the norm! | MindBlur
  25. Daily Prompt: Four Stars | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss
  26. Daily Post: Movie Review of My True Love’s Life | Iam Who Iam
  27. Daily Prompt: Four Stars — Remembering the Garry Armstrong Show | SERENDIPITY
  28. Daily Prompt: Four Stars | Books, Music and Movies : my best friends
  29. Daily Prompt: Stars | One Starving Activist
 Have a great day,
Tammye Honey