My Daily Prompt Blog

Where I do my Daily Prompts

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While Waiting at the Doctor’s Appointments

I am not a person who can just sit idle in a doctor’s office without getting antsy.
I love to take my crocheting with me so that I have something to keep me busy and keep my mind off of why we are there.
I have found that it keeps me focused and makes the time go by so much faster.

We had several weeks of  back to back appointments so here is my creations.

My inspiration was the scarf that Mikey had as a challenge at  The Crochet Crowd.



A hat to keep my head warm.  Fingerless Gloves with a hat of their own lol.  The shimmering heart scarf.

Some of my projects that I am working on are just too large to transport so I have to find little things to fill the void.

With my Kindle Fire I can download my pattern and take it with me.
I have also picked up many new prospective students too, who want to learn to do what I am making.

Let me know how I am doing so far…would love to hear from you.

What is your latest project?  Share it with me please.

Tammye Honey


Basics of Crocheting Class

I wanted to do a Power Point to see if I could start to give instructions and link them on my Word Press Blog so that my students would have a reference point once they were home to look up any questions that they had and were afraid to ask or forgot my number.  This is a test for the future to see if it will work or if I have a lot of bugs to swat out of my path before I perfect my mess.

project one project two


Just two creative ideas that come complete with the yarn included…


Latest Project

Sorry that my blogs have not been ongoing.  I have had a slew of new projects to finish and deadlines to complete them all.

A copy cat diaper bag which I literally made the pattern from an existing bag as I drew it out on a cardboard box for my pattern….

diaper bag bag 2Finished and is delivered to a happy customer.

My next series is a slew of television throw blankets for the grandchildren to cuddle with while watching their favorite programs that will be made in their favorite colors.  The variation will be that they will be made without the hearts on them.

LW3240This is one of the new Red Heart Patterns LW 3240 if you are a crochet fan it is a free download

The nice thing is that this pattern can be changed since the hearts are sewn on so that you can put what ever shape or letter in it’s place…

Back to crocheting since we have so many grand children….

scarf design to afghan

Have a great day and thank you for reading…. Will be back when finished with pictures better yet will update as I go along lol…

afghanMoving right along with project…

new afghanDon’t think I like the heart with it glad I did not make more….

trina2One of my helpers (Trina)

peachy1 trina1 peachy2Peachy is camera shy lol….

chillin with the girlsBack to work so will update you later…

Here is my first attempt at making a video and trying to hold a camera with my chin while I crochet.  Did not come out on YouTube like I would like so I will be trying again soon…

As an update on the latest project and a heads up that a pound of love is not equal to 4 skeins of yarn…I am in gauge with this pattern although I do not have enough yarn to make it to the finished project.  The pound of love only made it a slight bit over the half way mark.

2013-01-17 11.23.17 2013-01-17 11.23.22 2013-01-17 11.23.36 2013-01-17 11.24.092013-01-17 12.59.59This is the other project that I have also began to finish so that I do not get bored with crocheting.  I switch off between two projects so that I still love to work with yarn.

The girls are supportive as usual…

2013-01-17 12.40.25 2013-01-17 12.50.18Just that Peachy is camera shy while Trina will knock you over to get her picture taken… If you would like to join our group on Facebook….and add your latest craft pictures of what you are doing….feel free to join…it is open to the fellow crafter’s…

Tammye Honey