My Daily Prompt Blog

Where I do my Daily Prompts

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Revival Sermon Day 3 Proof Of The Love Of God

Oakwood Free Will Baptist Church in Oakwood TN

Presents their Guest Speaker

Brother Cecil Boswell

(Pastor of Friendship Free Will Baptist Church, Ashland City, TN)

Brother Cecil worked as a Mechanical Engineer For the U.S. Navy.

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Weekly Writing Challenge: Dear TammyeHoney


Weekly Writing Challenge: Dear ____________________

by Erica on October 28, 2013

To participate, tag your post with DPchallenge and include a link to this post, to generate a pingback and help others find the challenges. Please make sure your post has been specifically written in response to this challenge. We’ll highlight some of our favorites on Freshly Pressed on Friday, and in our monthly newsletter.

For this week’s writing challenge, channel your inner Abigail Von Buren. Experiment with the question and answer format. Taking inspiration from a question you’ve been asked recently, whether in conversation with a friend or sent in from a reader, don your best counselor hat and share your expertise.

Not up for kickstarting your career as an advice columnist? We’ve got a few more ways to help get you involved with this week’s focus on advice.

  • What’s the best, or worst, piece of advice you’ve ever gotten?
  • You’re the most important writer in the world, and everyone will be tuning in to your blog to listen to the one bit of knowledge you most want to share. What is it?
  • Do you live by the advice you give? Sure, it’s easy to dish out opinions, but are you a pillar of your own beliefs?

I give lessons on Cooking, Crocheting, Sewing and Knitting on a regular basis.  I do not feel this is classified as advice.  It is simply someone who has worked the problem successfully at a prior time who is able to lend a helping hand to someone who has never walked that mile yet.

Helping a friend who is a new mother and is nursing her first baby my advice is very simple.  The baby will let you know when things are not quite right.  If things are flowing in a set pattern and routine then life is good.  The plumber never puts in new pipes if there is not a problem.

If a problem is not going to make a difference a year from now, perhaps it does not need to be a top priority on the list.  A lot of problems have a way of working themselves out on their own without doing anything but praying for the correct way for God’s will to be done.  I always to suggest to pray for three days on the same subject before making a decision.  This gives a person time to think with a clearer head and thought patterns.

Just thinking before you speak as to how it will have an effect on others will sometimes change the wording that would have otherwise been blurted out.

Remembering others and that they have feelings that can get hurt.  To never speak when angry and to bite the tongue if it is going to be a cruel comment will save on an embarasing moment later on.

What questions as my reader would you like to see answered here?

Submit your questions and I will be glad to honestly answer them for you.  (Or find a great source for your answer)

TammyeHoney’s Advice column is now open to her readers.

Bring on the questions….

I am ready and waiting..

Tammye Honey



Daily Prompt: Do Opposite When You Do All Three?

Daily Prompt: Opposite Day

If you normally write non-fiction, post a photo. If you normally post images, write fiction. If you normally write fiction, write a poem. If you normally write poetry, draw a picture. (New) photographers, artists, poets: show us OPPOSITE.
I have been known to write a poem or two.
Sometimes happy, sometimes blue.
Fictional stories thrown in, a few.
A scattered picture of me and you.
Today’s prompt came as a surprise.
What would I do here, compromise?
I could always write a pack of lies.
That would finish me off, my own demise.
I thought of a story of fiction to write.
A life of children to bring to light.
Of how love being shown is always right.
Saying I love you last thing at night.
To give a small hug and say I love you.
Does not take blood, does not cost too.
To find it hard to say and to show is true.
To turn away from God is the last thing to do.
If you have the love of God in your heart.
The family stays together and never apart.
The light of his love will shine, strong like a spark.
Your words will ring true, sung like a lark.
A simple prayer to those who have lost their way.
Please listen to what I have to say.
God did not abandon you or not hear your prayer, as you say.
He just answered it slowly in a different way.
When we lose a loved one so close and so dear.
Perhaps backs are turned from God from fear.
If we look at it from fresh eyes it may be clear.
The suffering spared, had they stayed here.
To see a machine that is all that gives one life.
Be it a father, sister, brother or wife.
If the pain and suffering would be like a cut from a knife.
Perhaps God’s plan was to spare that one’s suffering strife.
We must get on and cherish those near.
They could be gone in a flash or hurt severe.
Say the words today that make them dear.
Don’t hold back from anger or fear.
Anger will rob you from life’s golden treasures.
Hope will make it grow by leaps and measures.
Love will make it strong and bring you pleasures.
Life is too short, so grow angel feathers.
So find you smile and love your children as well.
It will cleanse your heart and will break the spell.
Children learn what they see and what is on the shell.
By your example is what their life will tell.
We teach hate with cruel words, love is shown by doing.
If the love is not seen, then resentment comes spewing.
A simple fix with prayer is the answer of cueing.
To turn back to God and allow his love to start viewing.   
Child PrayingimagesCA3013JX
Have a blessed and happy day,
To see what other Daily Prompt Writer responses were:
Tammye Honey


Daily Prompt: Is Love Enough?

Daily Prompt: The Road Less Traveled

Pinpoint a moment in your past where you had to make a big decision.
Write about that other alternate life that could have unfolded.

Photographers, artists, poets: show us OTHER.

A short story of fiction, to fit the occasion.

It was a stormy evening, much like the past week of every evening there being storms.
 She laid curled up in the bed with her dogs thinking about her day.
She thought about the turmoil that her hubby’s drinking caused each day.
It had not started this way.  She had no clues in the beginning to know.
He did not drink at all the entire time they had dated, right into their first year of marriage.

Had it been the four friends who had died within a month of each other?
Was it the straw that broke the camels back to make him lose his will power?
Rationing seemed to work some days, then there were the days that he was too much.
She would walk out and just hand him the small remains of the bottle to have a moments peace.

As she looked around at the devastation going on around the world she wondered if it was better elsewhere.
To start again, at her age.  The thought sounded so exhausting.
She watched her friends and their relationships.
Some appeared happy, yet she felt a sense that all was not right with them either.
She looked around her own life and thought about what was good.  
She looked at what had been built by the two of them in a relatively short time.

Perhaps running away was not the answer.
She prayed daily for an answer and each night before she closed her eyes.
Hoping that God would show her what was the right thing to do
She had a lot invested in the relationship just to call it quits.

It was a long and winding road ahead and she knew it.  
Was it a fork in the road where she had to make a decision?
Could it be that just a few trees had fallen to block the path she was currently on?
She decided to just rely on her faith to get her through.  
She would let God handle the situation as she had in the past.
She knew this was the only answer that made sense to her.

Here are what some other Daily Prompt Writers had to say:
(Check here to see more)

  1. Daily Prompt: The Road Less Traveled | Chicomallorca’s Blog
  2. Daily Prompt: The Road Less Traveled | Books, Music and Movies : my best friends
  3. Daily Prompt: The Road Less Traveled | George and Nigel
  4. The Road Less Traveled | Geek Ergo Sum
  5. Daily Prompt: The Road Less Traveled « Mama Bear Musings
  6. The day I took a different road | Feel & Rebuild Your Self Confidence
  7. downtownnokomis
  8. The Runaway | The Jittery Goat
  9. Too Good To | clarior e tenebris
  10. Daily Prompt: Other | Postcards from
  11. Fourteen years | The numpty with a camera and a laptop
  12. Crystal ball | Musings of a Suburban Creampuff
  13. Fork in the Road [Daily Prompt: The Road Less Traveled] | unknowinglee
  14. Boat Punk Culture | The Life NomadikThe Life Nomadik
  15. You’ll take the high road and I’ll take the low road… | The Rider
  16. Daily Prompt: The Road Less Traveled | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss
  17. Meeting a Chatmate | just another outlet
  18. Daily Prompt: The Road Less Traveled | LooknWalk
  19. Less Traveled | Tommia’s Tablet
  20. Otherworldly Bridges |
  21. The Road Less Traveled | bheehappy
  22. Daily Prompt: The Road Less Traveled – Kisses for Sparky | The Daily Dilly Dally
  23. Daily Prompt : The Road Less Traveled | Valley Girl Gone Country
  24. A Marriage Continued | Sorta-Ginger
  25. Daily Prompt: Paths and Choices | SERENDIPITY

There was a really long list for this one as it inspired a lot of writers.

What is your take on this prompt?
I would love to hear your comments.

Tammye Honey


Faith When We Need It Most

It was an odd Daily Prompt today about Faith.  I simply gave a poem for my statement.
To me that said more than I ever could about my position in life right now.

My hubby has an inguinal hernia that the Dr. is afraid is going to rupture.
His consult for surgery is not until July 25th.
I have two fingers that have been fractured on my left hand, which makes it difficult to function.
I am in the process of going through testing myself for a problem.

Last night, my hubby experienced a sudden drop in blood pressure and found himself on the floor.
I patched up his head with antibiotic cream and lots of pressure to stop the bleeding.
With an ice pack he layed back down.

God’s will we will carry on and get through it all.
Through lots of prayer and faith, I know that it will work itself out.

Patience is something that I have had a strong lesson in over the years.
Perhaps at times, I have a little too much patience.
I know that with everything happening in the world today, life could be a lot worse.

I think of the poor families in Colorado who are homeless due to a fire.
Some have had to evacuate their homes, not knowing if they will have a home to go back to.

As I sit here in the comfort of my home, I feel blessed.
My prayers to those families and others going through hard times.

Keep the faith and all things will work out in the end.  🙂

Tammye Honey



Daily Prompt: Journey Into The Past

Daily Prompt: Journey

Tell us about a journey — whether a physical trip you took, or an emotional one.

Photographers, show us JOURNEY.


Last night with our house guest was an emotional journey for my hubby.  In his mind, he was able to go back in time to a period when he was so familiar with having biked with two friends across South Korea.

So Ho Woo and my hubby sat out by the fire talking about various places in South Korea that my hubby had been.  They even discussed a time when my hubby and his buddy’s had came across a funeral procession that they suddenly found themselves a part of.

As the evening progressed, one could hear the sound of laughter from both as they each shared stories.  With my hubby and his P.T.S.D., this was a good memory and one well worth discovering all over again.

The discussion of the process of how kimchi is made to the wall that is in South Korea, the topics were broad yet narrow.

God works in mysterious ways as my hubby was able to share with this stranger, things that he knew I might never totally understand.  This stranger was able to convey some of the fears that he faced while being on the road alone to travel his journey to Los Angeles.  Perhaps the most significance came in two strangers meeting on a road and becoming instant friends.  Perhaps a friendship that will last till death.

Of all of the cars that had past this lad on his journey.  To be stopped by an individual and asked in Korean if he was hungry.  That was the beginning of a journey.  One that we will remember for a very long time.




Perhaps the next time you pass a bicyclist on the shoulder of the road, a kind word or offer of food or water might make all the difference to them.

So Ho Woo had an unexplainable bad experience in the Knoxville, TN area to then go to Nashville, TN and spend an entire evening alone.
We are glad that we were able to show him that Tennessee can be friendly and warm.
That kindness does exist out there in the world.
Perhaps others might think twice about laying on the horn and blaring the sound then saluting him with a middle finger as they pass him.

Shame on those motorists who missed out on the chance to take an incredible journey with a young man on a quest.

Here are what other Daily Prompt Writers had to say:

  1. Let’s go for a drive to Cafe Melba |
  2. May 26 Daily Prompt: Journey | Nadeen’s Reading Corner
  3. Love. Life. | Journey Towards Success
  4. Homeless | Daily Prompt: Journey | mattsden101
  5. Daily Prompt: Journey | suzie81’s Blog
  6. Across the Dunes | thoughtsofrkh
  7. Daily Prompt: Journey 2 – Italy | suzie81’s Blog
  8. Daily Prompt: Journey 3 – Amsterdam | suzie81’s Blog
  9. Daily Prompt: Journey 4 – City Views | suzie81’s Blog
  10. My First Time to Step on Another Island | Daily Prompt: Journey | likereadingontrains
  11. No Vision – no Courage | A Teacher’s Blog
  12. Daily Prompt: Journey | SmithPixels
  13. A personal Apocalypse | A Teacher’s Blog
  14. Daily Prompt: Journey « Mama Bear Musings
  15. 150. Traveling with a baby!!! Daily Prompt | Sofie’s Diary
  16. First Manic Journey: London Calling | The Magic Black Book
  17. Coming Into Grace | Katherine’s Daughter
  18. Health Journey Reboot: week 1, Burlesque and My Snatch | Not a Diet Story
  19. Japantag 2013 | MyBlog – solaner
  20. Walking the Suffolk Coast 1 (i) | The Essex Coast
  21. Journey | Sue’s Trifles
  22. Walking on my path… | Hope* the happy hugger
  23. You can do much more than what you think. | Phelio a Random Post a Day
  24. The Right Apparel For An Emotional Journey | The Jittery Goat
  25. You never know how strong you are…| Daily Prompt: Journey | Ireland, Multiple Sclerosis and Me
  26. Title Needed | charlottesville winter
  27. Daily Prompt: Journey | بيسان
  28. Nothing Like Georgia! | Eyes Through The Glass – A Blog About Asperger’s
  29. Daily Prompt: Journey | The Scarletredish Rack
  30. Life stories: a Journey | Michael Writes
  31. Daily Prompt: Journey | The Educated Illiterates
  32. Memo 2 | jjmjmm1
  33. Dream & Journey with Us for Global Healing June 8 | 350 Dreamers
  34. Daily Prompt: Journey | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss
  35. Daily Prompt: It’s A Trip | One Starving Activist
  36. An All Girls’ Journey | Kat’s Den
  37. May 26 Daily Prompt: Good-Bye China | Left to Write
  38. Spiritual Travel: Destination or Process? | The Lifepath Dialogues
  39. Just Another Beautiful Life! | Journey Called Life …
  40. Journey of Freedom… | Haiku By Ku
  41. Daily Prompt: Journey – An Irish Honeymoon | SERENDIPITY
  42. My Journey through the Working World | Practical Business
  43. Daily Photo Prompt: Journey | Jennifer Nichole Wells
  44. The journey: the very early signs | Sheep in a basket
  45. Daily Prompt: Journey | IN THE WONDER…
  46. The Journey: Daily Prompt | Venti Mocha Moments
  47. The Journey… (Daily Prompt) | The Rider
  48. Journey | I Work for a Jerk
  49. Journey | Code Name Incog
  50. How Charles Osgood Helped Save My Life | The Office of Iguana Flats
  51. Daily Prompt: Journey | vetweet
  52. Daily Prompt: Tainted | Morrighan’s Muse

Tammye Honey


Your Words, Choose Them Wisely



You were not thinking when you spoke today.
The thought process caused you to go astray.
Your point was taken, yet you continued to say,
Hurtful words in a cold and meanless way.

You were not thinking of how others would feel.
You were Hell bent to get across your appeal.
To have said what you meant in a kinder fashion and deal,
Might have taken thought and a bit of  being real.

To touch a heart, to be warm and show compassion and caring,
Might be a new perspective, bold and perhaps daring.
Using tact is sometimes gold, and so worth sharing.
It does not leave scars, and does not need repairing.

The damage is done, we can’t turn back time.
Perhaps you will learn from my little rhyme.
If you hurt someone, perhaps each time you should pay a dime.
I would be on a beach in Costa Rica eating a lime.

Before the words leave your mouth, please think twice,
Perhaps what comes out might actually be nice.
By causing others pain there is nothing to gain but lice.
The point is not taken, not even by mice.

Perhaps someday, you might find yourself all alone.
Your words will have caused others to become stone.
They will not hear or care if you want to moan.
You will be alone upon your throne.

Heed my words as I do love you so.
In lifes journey we still have far to go.
If it is to be with me you need this to know.
To be kind is the seed that you must sew.

This is only written with love in mind.
Hopefully you will understand this in time.
It was not meant to be cruel or just make a rhyme.
It was to point out that love is important to share and find.

Look to God for help in all matters so dear.
He is right there standing by just waiting to hear.
Ask him for guidance to help you with what you fear.
Perhaps if you do the attitude will clear.

Tammye Honey

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Daily Prompt: Deja Vu Is It Real?

Daily Prompt: Deja Vu

Have you ever truly felt déjà vu, the sensation that you’ve already had the experience you’re currently having? 

Three totally different examples of deja vu, yet all about the same topic.  I have had to ask people if I knew them from some where prior as their presence felt so familiar, yet they admitted that they felt the same but had never met me before.

Since I do not sweat the small stuff in life because an ulcer is just not worth it.  There are certain things in life that I just do not worry about.  I tend to live on the positive side of life and that things will happen and turn out well if you give God his credit and a chance to do what he has to without interference.  Life happens for a reason.  We are all here for a reason.  Our circles pass into each other to learn from each other.  Take the positive and gain from it.  Always try and leave positive in other’s lives as well.

Tammye Honey

Here are what some other Daily Prompt Writers had to say:

  1. Three jokes on Stalin | Philosophy & Photography
  2. Where have we seen that before? | Eyes Through The Glass – A Blog About Asperger’s
  3. Déjà Vu – I’m Afraid Of The Dark
  4. Daily Prompt: Deja Vu « Mama Bear Musings
  5. Deja Vu | Yes, It has happened before | Bullets & Dreams
  6. Déjà Vu By Another Name | The Jittery Goat
  7. M is for Merry-Go-Round | justmomentarily
  8. ayimas
  9. Daily Prompt: Deja Vu | Joe’s Musings
  10. Already seen | Spunky Wayfarer
  11. It’s like deja vu all over again (sorry, couldn’t resist…) And shut it, Olly. | thoughtsofrkh
  12. Daily Prompt: Deja Vu | بيسان
  13. Daily Prompt: Déja Vu | Of Glass & Paper
  14. deja vu? oh yeah I’ve been there.. | bodhisattvaintraining
  15. Power of the Mind | Head full of Fluff

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Daily Prompt: Stranded In A Strange Land

Daily Prompt: Stranded

by michelle w. on March 22, 2013

You’re stranded in a foreign city for a day with no money and no friends. Where do you go; what do you do?

stranger in a strange land

What would I do?  Not really certain that this would ever happen. What would you do?  Would love to hear.

Here are what other Daily Prompt Writers had to say on the subject:

  1. Daily Prompt: Stranded in Harmony | Lines by Linda
  2. blank | Mind Heart Journeys
  3. Ilya Fostiy. Memory | Philosophy & Photography
  4. Ilya Fostiy. Basement | Philosophy & Photography
  5. Daily Prompt: Stranded | cognitive reflection
  6. Daily Prompt: Stranded | solomoneduotu’s Blog
  7. Oh dear, it seems I’ve lost myself. | thoughtsofrkh
  8. Adventure in the City | Spunky Wayfarer
  9. Free Fall Friday | Tommia’s Tablet
  10. Stranded | Matthew Vett’s Development Blog
  11. ¿Hablas Inglés? | Day of the Week Fat Pants
  12. The Advantage of Networking « Sorta-Ginger
  13. Stranded But Not Abandoned (A short story) | The Jittery Goat
  14. Daily Prompt: Vacation! | One Starving Activist
  15. Daily Prompt: Stranded | Daddy’s Naughty Little Girl
  16. Daily Prompt: Straned | بيسان
  17. Time to Kill | The Daily Dilly Dally
  18. Daily Prompt – Stranded | Beyond Beauty Tips
  19. Stranded | anbodi
  20. Daily Prompt: Stranded Again (voluntariliy) | baka’s blog
  21. Stranded but not stuck | Pigments of Life
  22. Abaraca | Paul Scribbles
  23. Daily Prompt: Stranded | Basically Beyond Basic
  24. stranded in a foreign city | Right Down My Alley
  25. Daily Prompt: Stranded – The fairy left no food! | Reviewer Rose
  26. No Money, No Friends, No Problem | Charming South
  27. French Connections (Daily Prompt) | Prompt Queen
  28. Alone in a Crowded Room | Life, Love, and the Pursuit of Happiness
  29. Daily Prompt: Stranded | A Hedonistic Wander
  30. Daily Prompt~Stranded | The Cheeky Diva
  31. A Bum Abroad | Kind of a Bum
  32. Facebook Stalking | Mind of a Mouse
  33. Survival | theloneshewolf
  34. Stranded. | jaycee68
  35. Daily Prompt: Stranded – The Blogging Path
  36. Daily Prompt: Stranded | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss
  37. Have You Ever Wondered About the Bee? | smittenwithhim
  38. Stranded | The Nameless One
  39. Daily Prompt: Stranded | A Western Buddhist’s Travels
  40. Daily Prompt: Stranded | Purple Rosemary
  41. Daily Prompt – Stranded | Hickory Ridge Hobbies
  42. Daily Prompt: Stranded in a Foreign Land | Not The Sword But The Pen
  43. Daily Prompt: Stranded | Waggingmytale’s Blog
  44. 22:3 Daily Prompt: Stranded | Family Photos Food & Craft
  45. Hand Me the Lemons | Wiley’s Wisdom
  46. Daily Prompt: Stranded « disappearinginplainsight
  47. Stranded | Ranting @ 741 MHz
  48. A Little Stranded | Mike Sensitivity
  49. Soliloquy of the alone dog | 祝福
  50. Stranded on a Purpose | Jill-of-all-Trades


Daily Prompt: 180 Degrees In Thought And Action

Daily Prompt: 180 Degrees

by michelle w. on March 14, 2013

Tell us about a time you did a 180 — changed your views on something, reversed a decision, or acted in a way you ordinarily don’t.

I would have to say that would be my views on marriage and getting married before I met my new hubby.

I had a life that was going well for me and I was comfortable.  I did not date and had no intentions of dating.  It seemed that all my friends who were trying to date that were my age were having a disastrous time of it.

Since we had met through several mutual friends on both ends due to their insistence, we spent a Thanksgiving Weekend together since we were both alone and no one to eat dinner with.

His children were in Illinois with their wife’s family and mine were in Herkimer, NY with their father and his family.  We made lasagna and Turkey dinner and I froze the rest for him in small meals before I left to go back home.

I flew for several years following that weekend to Tennessee to see him since he will not board a plane.  Would I have normally have done that?  Not at all.

I had prayed about meeting him and getting to know him daily regarding whether I should or not and for God to give me a sign if it would be right for me to do. We had corresponded and spoke on the phone for about two years. Just as friends though with no intention of getting together. It was not like I did not learn a lot about him prior to my trip.

I did not tell my children as I did not anticipate it to last.  Since I was brand new to the dating world, I really wanted to take it slow.

He proposed several times and the timing was not quite right for either of us.  Finally the last time it was.

It will be four years in September and we are living proof that trying again is not a bad thing even at our age.

It feels like it was part of God’s plan in my life.  If you had asked me ten years ago if I would be married, I would have thrown a dirty look your way and tactfully have said No Thanks.

It was a change that was good for me and I have grown to know that marriage does and can work.

What was your 180 degree turn around?  Would love to hear.

Here are what some other Daily Prompt Writers Had to say:

  1. Daily Post: 180 Degrees | tel-uh-vizh-uh-ner-ee
  2. 180 degrees | Taking time, making time
  3. Why You Shouldn’t Just Assume that North Korea is Crazy | Never Stationary
  4. My Very First Time | Stuphblog
  5. War And Courage | The Jittery Goat
  6. Daily Prompt: 180 Degrees | Completely Disappear
  7. Daily Prompt: 180 Degrees – Tiny’s Story | Rolbos ©
  8. Almost became “trained” | Daily Prompt: 180 Degrees | likereadingontrains
  9. 117. The Family Van: Doing a 180: DPChalenge | Sofie’s Diary
  10. Enabling road kill: today’s 180 | Miss Moiety
  11. Daily Prompt: 180 Degrees | بيسان
  12. No way, not on your nelly… where do I sign? | Random Encounters of an Inquisitive Mind