My Daily Prompt Blog

Where I do my Daily Prompts


Our Video Has Gone Over The Top


We made that video for the fun of it and that was a really fun one to make.

Now it is at 102,856 Views.  We would like to tell all of our Subscribers Thank you.

To the 26 people who did not like it we are so sorry.  Perhaps you will like one of our other 85.

Have a wonderful day.

Tammye Honey and Eman

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Writing 101: Day 4, Losses in Life (Part One of a Three Part Series)


Write about a loss: something (or someone) that was part of your life, and isn’t any more.

When I first read this and thought about the three part idea it was a bit intriguing as to what my topic would actually end up being about by the time that I get to part three.  I was not certain if the losses should be about times in my life where material things were taken out of my life without my having any power over it.  Then it occured to me that material things were always replaced.  They were only temporary in this life.  They were not human or an animal with feelings.  We might have sentimental feelings about them, however, once they have vanished from our lives we do carry on without tears.  When we lose a loved one, be it a human or an animal we do shed a lot of tears.  Some people mourn much longer than others.  There is no time period set on how long a person is to mourn a loss.

Gamblers mourn a loss of a game.  That does not stop them from betting the next one and perhaps losing big again.  It is still a loss but it is not the same pain that is felt as a loss of a loved one.  To lose a tennis match is a small ouch compared to having your dog get hit by a car.  Yet some peoples reactions are such that they resemble the same.  People become so caught up in the moment that every emotion comes into play.  They feel the adrenalin rushing into their system and have a complete reaction.  Some people do not recover as well as others.  Those people tend to slowly sink into a deep depression.  This does not happen over night.

PTSD is a form of depression as it takes a person back to a bad place in their life and has them re-live that over and over as if they were there and right back in that moment in time.  There is no cure at the moment for this and it is one of the hardest forms of depression to be diagnosed.  It not only takes a toll on the person that is suffering from it but also the family that is with that person and lives through that same moment as well.  We will explore this further in the next part of the series.

The depression begins slowly.  They begin to not care about things that they used to.  What goals they had set for themselves are suddenly fading.  Doing things becomes a real chore.  As each day progesses they find themselves doing less of what used to make them happy.  I have watched a few friends who are slowly climbing into the dark hole of depression and it is very sad.  It is very difficult to watch and although you want to try and help, they are the only ones who can help themselves.

The largest problem with a person with depression is a lot of times, they don’t realize that they are really depressed.  They do not realize that it is happening to them.  They can’t see the gradual changes that you have been seeing.  They don’t see the changes in their behavior and manorisms.  They do not see the decline in the lifestyle that you do on the outside looking in.  That is the most painful part.

What can you do to help?

We will explore that in parts II and III so come back….


Tammye Honey


Writing 101: Day 3 Celebrate three songs that are significant to you



writing-101-june-2014-class-badge-2The first song that comes to my mind would be The Easter Song.  Even though the song is appropriate for any time of the year.

This song is so uplifting to me and will put me in such a peaceful place when I am feeling stress.  It returns me to a great place in my mind.
It allows me to collect my thoughts and heal myself from any problems that might have come in to make me feel like the walls are crushing in on me.
By the end of the song I am ready to go out and begin again.

The second song that comes to mind today is Leonard Cohen singing


Now perhaps this would this put most of you to sleep by now by for me it is an inspiration.  Iam now inspired to carry on this story and my day.
I have listened to these songs right along with you while I was writing this piece.  If it was not raining outside I would be out there doing all kinds of yard work.
Hopefully our rainy season will end soon so that the remainder of the yard work can get completed.

My last choice for the day comes from Josh Groban You Raise Me Up

I hope that this video also will also raise you up to make you want to go forward and do whatever you were not sure that you could do.  May it help you to find
that inner strength that you have been looking for in your life.

May you feel like you are blessed today and that it will be a good day no matter what obsticles lie ahead.  Face them one at a time.  Pray in between for the strength to carry on.  You can do it.

May today be the first day of the rest of your life.

Have a Blessed Day,

Tammye Honey

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Spreading The Word To Please Vote

My neighbor is very supportive of his son.  I have had many posts on my blogs about the family previously if you search through my two years of blogging and you come across anything to do with MikeFest.  They are the founders of that program.

Their son is in a group that is called Eye Tooth.  This band plays not only locally but across the state of Tennessee.  They have been in a competition recently and have required people to vote for them.

Right now their standings are looking rather good.

I have watched this young man grow up and be a part of not only this band but also this community.  He is a good role model for our youth and should be supported.

Please take the time to vote for Eye Tooth.

Thank you for your support in this matter

Tammye Honey


Daily Prompt: Giving Thanks For What I Have

Daily Prompt: Keeping up with the Jones’

Tell us about the one luxury item you wish you could afford, in as much detail as you can.
Paint a picture for us.

Photographers, artists, poets: show us COVET.



I am really happy with what we have.
I can not think of anything that I would covet that someone else has.
We are semi healthy for our age.
We have two healthy dogs and a cat.
We are happily married now for almost 5 years.

We own our home (Have a mortgage but who doesn’t these days?)
We live in the country but are not far from the city.
We live in a wonderful neighborhood

We have a lot of comfort features in life.
(Dishwasher, Microwave, Washer, Dryer, Big Screen TV, Internet, Computers, WiFi, etc)
We work our businesses from our home and in our jammies most of the time.
We are blessed with healthy children and many grandchildren.
We have several wonderful kind friends.
We have heat, running water and food in fridge and freezer as well as the pantry.
We have clothes in our closet.

What would we want that we could add to that?  More Money?
Perhaps that would be nice.  Then we could pay off our Mortgage early.
The payments are made each month so we are happy.

I ask my readers, what would you want that you do not have?

Enlighten me please with a comment…

Be careful what you wish for…

Here are what some other Daily Prompt Writers had to say about the subject today…

  1. ermahgerhd | Afford a Vacation
  2. Covet Thy Love | The Magic Black Book
  3. Covet | Insanitree
  4. Daily Prompt: NOT Keeping up with the Jones’ but the birds & fishes | littlegirlstory
  5. Tall Summer Dreams | Blue Loft
  6. Fairy Dust | alienorajt
  7. Thy Shall Not Covert | Dear Yolandi
  8. Covet Artistically | Abstract Organized Chaos
  9. A Horse, Of Course | A Sign Of Life
  10. To be loved-Biggest luxury | મન ની વાત
  11. I have what I need, and that’s fine by me really. Want is too expensive anyway… | thoughtsofrkh
  12. Daily Prompt: Keeping up with the Jones’ | Under the Monkey Tree
 Have a safe and blessed day…it is Black Friday so it is a jungle out there…

Tammye Honey


Daily Prompt: Out Of Place In This Land Of Confusion

Daily Prompt: Land of Confusion

Tell us about a time when you felt out of place.

Photographers, artists, poets: show us CONFUSION.

Prayers to all of the people who were hit by the Tornados this weekend

You never know how precious life is until devistation hits.
The whirlwind of confusion of how to help or what to do.

Be safe, Be prepared and hug those around you.
Today they may aggrivate you and tomorrow they may be gone.

Love one another and try to help where you can.

Tammye Honey


Daily Prompt: The Cat Allergy Man

Daily Prompt: FAQ

Interview someone — a friend, another blogger, your mother, the mailman — and write a post based on their responses.

Photographers, artists, poets: show us DETAILS.

2013-11-14 09.59.31 2013-11-14 09.59.28

My hubby came in this morning and announced that the runny nose, watery eyes and sneezing was from the new kittens.

I asked him what made him sure and his reply was that he had been up all night doing research on the subject.

(It is true that his reaction began the day that the kittens arrived and has been continuous)
I asked what some of the hard evidence facts were to support his case.

His reply was that he could not venture out into the store area without having a full blown sneezing attack.
He has gone through two boxes of tissues in two days and all of the allergy medication does not seem to help.

I find it odd that the dander from these two kittens could be so severe that he is having this reaction, yet we have had cats the entire time that we have been married.
Is it that we have closed up the space due to the kittens and it just needs to air out?
Is there something in their fur that is causing the reaction that if bathed would cease?
Should I just call the previous owners and explain the situation?

2013-11-14 09.58.16

Is this something that will go away with time, or will it worsen as the days go on?

I realize that something has to be done, now I fear his having a heart attack from sneezing so badly.
He would not allow me to photograph him for this interview since he is such a mess.

Time will tell, and I am going to call the previous owners.
I compared his situation to my being in a movie theater full of popcorn lovers.
Now he understands what I go through.

Perhaps God just wanted to show him so that I would not hear “It is not that bad” anymore.

Here are some other interviews from Daily Prompt Writers today:

  1. Mom And I Talk About Death And Bikinis | The Jittery Goat
  2. Daily Prompt: FAQ – An Open Interview | littlegirlstory
  3. Details make a difference | Lost in Translation
  4. Daily Prompt: FAQ | Awl and Scribe

Have a great day,

Tammye Honey


Daily Prompt: Evil In The World Today

Daily Prompt: Wicked Witch

Write about evil: how you understand it (or don’t),
what you think it means, or a way it’s manifested,
either in the world at large or in your life.

Photographers, artists, poets: show us EVIL.

My daughter shared a video that she is covering with her class this coming week.  I think that video says it all.

What can we do to delete the negative energy in our lives.
If we share positive energy with others it becomes contagious.

Here are what other Daily Prompt Writers had to say:

  1. Ego | Bright Moments Catcher
  2. My.Vivid.Visions | Daily Prompt: Wicked Witch – It’s Me!!!
  3. DP : Evil | Experimental Fiction
  4. Daily Prompt: Wicked Witch | Awl and Scribe
  5. Daily Prompt: Wicked Witch | Bizzimummy’s World
  6. Frosty Friday | Purple Rosemary
  7. Cruella Deville [Daily Prompt: Wicked Witch] | unknowinglee
  8. Daily Prompt: Wicked Witch | Under the Monkey Tree
  9. A Lesson In Good And Evil | The Jittery Goat
  10. Wicked Witch | Braised Pork on Rice
  11. Daily Prompt: Wicked WItch | WilderThing

Share love not hate.  It begins with you.

Tammye Honey


Daily Prompt: Food Good For The Soul


Daily Prompt: Food for the Soul (and the Stomach)

by michelle w. on November 11, 2013

Tell us about your favorite meal, either to eat or to prepare.
Does it just taste great, or does it have other associations?

Photographers, artists, poets: show us FOOD.

In our home I cook from scratch for almost every meal that we have.
I use corn free products and shop at our local Korean Market to purchase items such as Rice Flour or Potato Starch, Rice Starch and Panko.

My Italian Bread Crumbs have to start with the Panko and then add my own Italian Spices.
Some we actually grow on our window sill in Winter months.

Our treat is when we can make a meal with guests visiting and then make a video while making the meal.

It not only creates a memory that will last, inspires our creative juices and makes the meal more interesting.

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To have fun, and enjoy a nutritious meal with friends…

Who could ask for anything more.

Special shout out to our Veterans today and their Spouses… Thank you for your service to our Country!



Here are a few other inspirational ideas from Daily Prompt Writers:

  1. Daily Prompt: Food for the Soul (and the Stomach) | Awl and Scribe
  2. Food for the Soul (and the Stomach) | Geek Ergo Sum
  3. Daily Prompt: Food for the Soul (and the Stomach) | Under the Monkey Tree
  4. How to make an omelette, for Dummies- Daily Prompt | The Rider
  5. My Heart and Soul… | Haiku By Ku
  6. Everyone Loves Waffles | It’s a wonderful F’N life
  7. The Feel of Taste | Barefoot on Rainy Days
  8. ‘If music be the food of love, play on!’ | alienorajt
  9. Spaghetti and a silent prayer | paperdollsletter
  10. Food for the Soul | Finale to an Entrance
  11. My Favourite Meal | Bizzimummy’s World
  12. Top Ten Specials | vicbriggs’s blog
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We appreciate your comments and questions

Tammye Honey