My Daily Prompt Blog

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Daily Prompt: The People Around Me Are My Mentors

Daily Prompt: Cheering Section

Do you have a mentor?
Tell us about him or her.
Are you a mentor to someone else?
Tell us what that relationship has added to your life.

Photographers, artists, poets: show us SUPPORT.


This was a prompt that for some reason took a lot of thought for me.
I wrote about another topic on the day that it came out and just gave it time to slowly stew in my brain.
Even thought it is an interesting topic, it crosses a personal line where I might have to name a few individuals.

Since I do not like to pinpoint any one person (except my hubby, on occasion) I was hesitant to begin.
During the course of time that I have had to think about it, I have come to realize that the people that I come into contact with are my mentors.

I sit and listen to what they have to say.
I listen in a way that does not require a response.
That took me a long time to learn to do.
I have found that by doing that, I do learn from them various topics that I might never have known.

There are times when I am tempted to give a response, yet I refrain and wait.
By doing this, I have found that I learn so much more about that person and what makes them tick.

I then have the ability to ask questions about them.  I am able to clarify what I did not comprehend.
To be able to truly learn from another will make us stronger as an individual.  It helps us to nurish our relationships.

To really hear what someone has to say and not be biased is sometimes very difficult.
To allow them to have that moment to speak and feel that what they have to say is truly important does make a difference.
The other persons opinion might not be on the same track as mine, however their right to sound their thoughts and see the drive that has brought them to where their conviction is makes it worthwhile.

Conflict in life is not necessary.  Life is precious.  Life is so short.  We can all be gone in an instant.

Sometimes it is better to just stay in a peace mode and “Let It Be”

If it really will not make a difference ten years from now, is it worth getting upset about today?
Some of the conflicts in relationships could be easier if that policy were developed.
If we really listen to what the other person feels and not what is coming out of their mouth, we will begin to feel their passion and drive also.

Life is a mystery, make it feel like home.

Tammye Honey