My Daily Prompt Blog

Where I do my Daily Prompts

Weekly Photo Challenge: Companionable


Weekly Photo Challenge: Companionable

Share a picture of a COMPANION and explain why you chose that picture.
2013-04-14 00.57.28
2013-01-17 12.50.18 2013-01-17 12.40.25
I do not have a large office, and only have a queen size bed.  
This is who I share my every moments with when I am home.  
I was gone yesterday for a Vendor show.
We had a storm last night.
Another storm is due shortly. 
If I shift into the bedroom they will both follow.

Author: TammyeHoney

I am about Blogging various information. If you check, I have several sites. Everything from food to funny with a few product lines in between. I am a Daily Prompt Blogger and an A-Z prompt blogger as well. Thank you for checking out my site. I hope you enjoy. I started this for cooking and my corn allergy and then it grew...