My Daily Prompt Blog

Where I do my Daily Prompts

Daily Prompt: Happily Ever After Without Migraines


Daily Prompt: Happily Ever After

by michelle w. on February 26, 2013

“And they lived happily ever after.” Think about this line for a few minutes. Are you living happily ever after? If not, what will it take for you to get there?

I have a happy life.  Good Marriage, Great Animals, yet my migraines take me out of circulation for several days.  I have medication that I take daily to try and prevent them (When I remember to take them)… if I have forgotten, the migraines come into the picture and I know it.  I can’t eat, can not tolerate light, sound or even smells.

Between eating foods that I should not and forgetting my medications…I know it is coming…the migraine medication itself works quickly like the package states, however…I am out like a light for days.

Other than to get up and stumble around to feed the animals and let them out to do their duty, I am hid in a dark room with no light.

Having a bucket by the bed is a necessity.  Less clean up when I smell something or if I move too quickly.

If you have ever suffered from a migraine or know someone who has then you know what I am saying here.  It is not a pretty sight.

Crawling back out after a series of three days to see the house and what I have missed in cleaning ugh…

Time to play catch up in more than just my blogs…

Have a great day…

Here are what other Daily Prompt Writers Had to say on it…

  1. Where’s your ambition? | Right Down My Alley
  2. Ilya Fostiy. Prophetic Dream | Philosophy & Photography
  3. Yes I am… Maybe. «Natalie Elizabeth Beech Natalie Elizabeth Beech
  4. Daily Prompt: Happily Ever After | Loading…
  5. Daily Post: Happily Ever After | tel-uh-vizh-uh-ner-ee
  6. On Happy Endings | Never Stationary
  7. The cake is a lie | The Nameless One
  8. Ones upon a time. | ayimas
  9. Right now… | Hope* the happy hugger
  10. Fairytales | Spunky Wayfarer
  11. Fairy Tales | Spunky Wayfarer
  12. Daily Promp: Happily Ever After | LooknWalk
  13. And they all lived happily ever after… | AnxiousElephant
  14. Happily Ever After | Misifusa’s Blog
  15. Happily Ever After? | Stuphblog
  16. Daily Prompt: Happily Ever After | Joe’s Musings
  17. Happily Ever After | das Nicht-zuhause-sein
  18. Letting Go of Stuff | The Daily Dilly Dally
  19. Daily Prompt: Happily Ever After | Completely Disappear
  20. To Be Happily Ever After You Must Be Happily Ever Before. | The Jittery Goat

Author: TammyeHoney

I am about Blogging various information. If you check, I have several sites. Everything from food to funny with a few product lines in between. I am a Daily Prompt Blogger and an A-Z prompt blogger as well. Thank you for checking out my site. I hope you enjoy. I started this for cooking and my corn allergy and then it grew...

2 thoughts on “Daily Prompt: Happily Ever After Without Migraines

  1. Pingback: Happily Ever After: The Fairy Tale or Reality? | thelissachronicles

  2. As a migraine sufferer as well, please know that I am thinking of you! xo

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