My Daily Prompt Blog

Where I do my Daily Prompts

Weekly Writing Challenge: Thoughts About Facebook


What do you think? Is Facebook a boon to our lives, connecting us, making us closer, or, has it gone too far?
Answer the poll below, then expand on your thoughts and feelings about whether or not the internet is ruining our focus and our ability to relate to other humans in an original blog post on your site.
Be sure to tag your entry with DPchallenge.
Would love for you to take my poll.
I want to hear your comments on this.
I use Facebook for social as well as advertising and for reaching family.

There are aspects that I am not happy with, that is true with any network.
There are simple changes that could be made to make life easier.
I got married, some of my friends do not recognize my new last name.
I am blocked from adding friends.
This does not stop me from using the network.
Life goes on.

Would love to hear what you think.
Headphones are not overkill, he needs all the help he can get

So let’s hear it…

This must be hot off the press as there are only two link backs:
  1. Weekly Writing Challenge: Mind the Gap | My.Vivid.Visions
  2. Never Stationary

So check back later to see more at

So will you keep this to yourself or will you share it?

Thanks for reading and for all the great comments,

Tammye Honey

Author: TammyeHoney

I am about Blogging various information. If you check, I have several sites. Everything from food to funny with a few product lines in between. I am a Daily Prompt Blogger and an A-Z prompt blogger as well. Thank you for checking out my site. I hope you enjoy. I started this for cooking and my corn allergy and then it grew...

7 thoughts on “Weekly Writing Challenge: Thoughts About Facebook

  1. Pingback: Weekly Writing Challenge: Facebook – An Itchy Elephant | SERENDIPITY

  2. Pingback: Weekly Writing Challenge: Mind the Gap {Facebook:What Will I Do With You?} | lifebydmagdalene

  3. For now, Facebook will be a force to reckon with. There will always be the glitches but until the next big thing comes along, this is all we get.
    Thanks for the wonderful post!

    • Life changes every day around us so why should we think other things should not change as well? Let’s put on our seat belt and enjoy the ride. Thank you for your comment. 🙂

    • Life changes every day around us so why should we think other things should not change as well? Let’s put on our seat belt and enjoy the ride. Thank you for your comment. 🙂

  4. Pingback: Weekly Writing Challenge: Mind the Gap | life n me!

  5. Pingback: Facebook Leads to Competition |

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